1. The spirit of giving

    by Katharine C. Lyall, President, University of Wisconsin System

    As we gather with friends and family, there is much to be thankful for during this holiday season. As hectic and harried as these times can be, they do remind us of the importance of personal relationships and the satisfaction of giving, not only to those closest to us but to those most in need. […]

  2. UW-Madison west campus co-generation facility

    Statement by Toby E. Marcovich President, University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents

    “I have confidence in the process used to approve the co-generation facility on the UW-Madison campus. I believe every state and university regulatory procedure has been followed. “This project has been managed by the Wisconsin Department of Administration and approved by DOA, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the state Public Service Commission. Dozens […]

  3. UW System campuses hold winter commencement ceremonies

    MADISON—University of Wisconsin System campuses will hold winter commencement ceremonies this month to highlight the achievements of more than 9,000 students who are expected to receive degrees at the close of this fall semester. While the majority of UW System students graduate in spring, winter commencement illustrates the UW System’s year-round effort to produce graduates […]

  4. Remarks to the Board of Regents by President Katharine C. Lyall

    Good News I think it helps to keep a sense of perspective by recognizing that even as we are working through the Charting the Future initiative to meet the challenges for our System, others around the world are coming here to learn from us. Peace Corps Calendar This is the season for peace—In your packets […]

  5. Congressmen update regents on Higher Education Act

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents December 2003 Meeting, Day Two News Summary

    Access and affordability are among the top priorities as Congress works to reauthorize the federal government’s blueprint for higher education, two Wisconsin congressmen told the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents on Friday (Dec. 5.) U.S. Reps. Tom Petri (R-Fond du Lac), and Ron Kind (D-La Crosse) told the board that their work on […]

  6. Financial aid reallocations are hurting campuses

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents December 2003 Meeting, Day One News Summary

    University of Wisconsin System campuses are being forced to make difficult cuts to meet a state budget directive for additional financial aid dollars, members of a Board of Regents committee learned Thursday. In the most recent budget, state lawmakers required the UW System to use $26 million in auxiliary funds to supplement state financial aid-a […]

  7. UW System launches fourth Student Ambassador advisory council

    MADISON—The University of Wisconsin System has announced the members of its fourth systemwide student advisory council, a group of students who assist university leaders and offer unique perspectives from a student viewpoint. The council is comprised of more than 30 students named by chancellors as UW System Student Ambassadors. By taking part in special projects […]

  8. Remarks to the Board of Regents

    Katharine C. Lyall, President, University of Wisconsin System

    Yogi Berra, when he didn’t like a call at home plate, would glare at the umpire and say, “we agree different!” In the last several weeks, we have “agreed different” among ourselves and with others on various issues—and we need to be able to do that on important educational issues. But I hope we also […]

  9. Remarks by Toby Marcovich

    President, UW Board of Regents

    This morning, I am pleased to welcome 22 members of the University of Wisconsin-Extension Administrative Leadership Program—EALP. This program is designed for faculty and academic staff with extension appointments throughout our 15 institutions to help cultivate the creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving and long-range vision that will characterize our next generation of university leaders. Many participants […]

  10. Regents approve actions toward implementing credit transfer plan

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents November 2003 Meeting, Day Two News Summary

    MADISON— – The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents on Friday (Nov. 7) approved four action items as part of a plan that will increase opportunities for credit transfer between the UW System and the Wisconsin Technical College System. With the board’s approval, the two systems can continue working to implement the approved measures […]

  11. University of Wisconsin System to host third AODA symposium

    MADISON—The University of Wisconsin System will host its third symposium to address alcohol and other drug abuse issues on college campuses. The UW System AODA symposium will include participation from each of the 15 UW System campuses, as well as representatives from the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, Wisconsin Technical College System, the Wisconsin Department of […]

  12. Report: Wisconsin provides highly efficient education system

    MADISON—Wisconsin offers one of the most efficient educational systems in the country, as state residents rank second nationally in their opportunity to earn a four-year degree from a public university, according to a new University of Wisconsin System report. The report cites three central factors that contribute to Wisconsin’s educational efficiency. First, Wisconsin has the […]

  13. Credit transfer plan receives initial endorsement

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents November 2003 Meeting, Day One News Summary

    MADISON—A plan to further enhance the credit transfer process between the University of Wisconsin System and the Wisconsin Technical College System was endorsed Thursday (Nov. 6) by the Board of Regents’ Education Committee. The committee’s action, as part of the Regents’ November 2003 meeting, paves the way for the full board to endorse the plan […]

  14. Testimony regarding open meetings law and changes to executive salary setting process by Toby Marcovich, President, Board of Regents

    Thank you Chairman Kreibich and Committee members. I am Toby Marcovich, President of the Board of Regents. I welcome this opportunity to meet members of the Colleges and Universities Committee and hope we can continue our dialogue on this and many issues important to maintaining quality higher education for the future of our state. I’m […]

  15. UW System to host Economic Summit IV

    MILWAUKEE – Building on the momentum of three previous economic summits, the University of Wisconsin System today unveiled plans to host a fourth statewide economic development meeting to advance the state’s economy. Wisconsin Economic Summit IV will be held Oct. 27-28, 2003, at the Midwest Airlines Center in Milwaukee. The announcement was made during the […]

  16. UW System ready to host Wisconsin Economic Summit IV

    MADISON—Wisconsin Economic Summit IV, hosted by the University of Wisconsin System, will take place today and Tuesday (Oct. 27-28) at the Midwest Airlines Center in Milwaukee. Participants in this year’s summit will focus on creating a set of realistic goals for Wisconsin’s long-term economic success and vitality. Wisconsin Economic Summit IV will bring together business […]

  17. Wisconsin Economic Summit IV available through live Webcast

    MADISON—Wisconsin Economic Summit IV will expand its reach to economic development partners across the state and nation through a live broadcast via the Web on Tuesday (Oct. 28), sponsored by Sonic Foundry. “This live Webcast is an exciting development that will allow hundreds—even thousands—more individuals to observe this important statewide conversation as it happens,” said […]

  18. Summit IV to explore health care costs, regional economic development

    MADISON—An in-depth examination of the rising health care cost crisis and suggested approaches to strengthening Wisconsin’s economy through a regional strategy are key topics to be explored at Wisconsin Economic Summit IV. The summit will feature the results of months-long studies by statewide workgroups convened to research the topics. Representatives from business, labor, government and […]

  19. News Advisory for Media: Economic Summit IV Registration and Contact Information

    To: Editors, reporters Re: Attending Wisconsin Economic Summit IV Wisconsin Economic Summit IV, scheduled for Oct. 27-28 at the Midwest Airlines Center in Milwaukee, promises several stories of interest to local and statewide audiences about the future of Wisconsin’s economy. Reporters are invited to attend all summit sessions at no charge. If you plan to […]

  20. News Advisory for Media: Economic Summit IV Workshops

    To: Editors, reporters From: Erik Christianson, (608) 262-5061, [email protected] Re: Wisconsin Economic Summit IV workshops The first day of Wisconsin Economic Summit IV features several workshops during which business and community leaders from around the state will share expertise about specific economic development issues. The following summary includes topics and contacts for each workshop to […]

  21. UW System seeks exemption from concealed weapons bill

    MADISON—The University of Wisconsin System is seeking to exclude public and private college and university property from legislation to allow individuals to carry concealed weapons. In a letter sent Monday (Oct. 20) to the co-chairs of the Legislature’s Joint Committee on Finance, UW System President Katharine C. Lyall said most states that have passed concealed […]

  22. Alliant Energy Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Awards awarded to four University of Wisconsin System professors

    MADISON—Four University of Wisconsin System professors have been named the winners of the 2003 Alliant Energy Underkofler Excellence in Teaching Awards. The annual awards go to four outstanding teachers from UW System campuses located within the Alliant service area. This year’s recipients are: Elizabeth Frieders, Associate Professor of Biology, UW-Platteville. Karen McLeer, Associate Professor of […]

  23. UW Board of Regents recommends faculty/staff pay increases and defers action on executive compensation

    OSHKOSH—Given market data and pay plan trends in neighboring states, the UW Board of Regents voted Friday (Oct. 10) to alert the Office of State Employment Relations that it will require a 4 percent pay raise in each year of this biennium to keep faculty and staff pay rates competitive with their peers. Board members […]

  24. Regents defer action on executive leadership salaries

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents October 2003 Meeting, Day Two News Summary

    OSHKOSH–The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents on Friday (Oct. 10) rescinded action it took last month to increase executive leadership salary ranges and referred the issue to its Business and Finance committee for further study. The board voted 12-4 to forward the issue so it could gather information about the salaries of other […]

  25. UW Board of Regents recommends faculty/staff pay increases and defers action on executive compensation

    OSHKOSH—Given market data and pay plan trends in neighboring states, the UW Board of Regents voted Friday (Oct. 10) to alert the Office of State Employment Relations that it will require a 4 percent pay raise in each year of this biennium to keep faculty and staff pay rates competitive with their peers. Board members […]

  26. Regents defer action on executive leadership salaries

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents October 2003 Meeting, Day Two News Summary

    OSHKOSH–The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents on Friday (Oct. 10) rescinded action it took last month to increase executive leadership salary ranges and referred the issue to its Business and Finance committee for further study. The board voted 12-4 to forward the issue so it could gather information about the salaries of other […]

  27. Economic strategy should focus on drawing young people to Wisconsin

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents October 2003 Meeting, Day One News Summary

    OSHKOSH–Wisconsin will have a difficult time filling jobs in the future if it doesn’t pursue an economic development strategy to revitalize its metropolitan areas and attract young people to the state, an economist told the UW System Board of Regents on Thursday (Oct. 9). Terry Ludeman of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development explained to […]

  28. UW campuses to create “Return to Wisconsin” programs

    OSHKOSH—Three University of Wisconsin System campuses presented formal proposals to the UW Board of Regents Thursday (October 9) to pilot programs to address the state’s brain gain problem by attracting the offspring of their alumni back to Wisconsin. UW-Eau Claire, UW-La Crosse and UW-Oshkosh presented proposals to the board’s Business and Finance Committee to offer […]

  29. Economic strategy should focus on drawing young people to Wisconsin

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents October 2003 Meeting, Day One News Summary

    OSHKOSH–Wisconsin will have a difficult time filling jobs in the future if it doesn’t pursue an economic development strategy to revitalize its metropolitan areas and attract young people to the state, an economist told the UW System Board of Regents on Thursday (Oct. 9). Terry Ludeman of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development explained to […]

  30. Colleges and Universities Committee Testimony by David Walsh, Vice President, UW Board of Regents

    Good Morning. I want to thank you for inviting me today to discuss the issue of leadership salaries in the UW System and to discuss the bills that are related to this issue. Thank you also for your courtesy in allowing me to arrive late to this hearing. We recognize that the proposed bills are […]

  31. UW faculty and staff salaries could fall 8 percent behind peers by 2005

    MADISON—Salary increases for University of Wisconsin System faculty and staff over the coming two years will depend on whatever funds might be available in the state’s compensation reserve, according to UW System President Katharine C. Lyall. “Based on our analyses, we would need 4 percent hikes each year to keep our faculty and staff salaries […]

  32. President Lyall addresses employees during seventh annual convocation

    University of Wisconsin System President Katharine C. Lyall held her seventh annual convocation for UW System employees on Monday (Sept. 29) at the Wisconsin Historical Society on the UW-Madison campus. The following are her remarks. “Good morning. First, I’d like to ask all of the employees who have joined us this year to stand and […]

  33. Cisco Systems Chairman Morgridge and Governor Doyle to keynote Wisconsin Economic Summit IV

    MADISON—Two prominent University of Wisconsin System graduates—John P. Morgridge, chairman of the board of Cisco Systems, and Wisconsin Gov. Jim Doyle—will serve as keynote speakers at Wisconsin Economic Summit IV. This year’s Summit, scheduled for Oct. 27-28, at the Midwest Airlines Center in Milwaukee, is co-sponsored by the UW System and Robert W. Baird and […]

  34. Committee appointed for UW-Stevens Point chancellor search

    MADISON—A 17-member search-and-screen committee has been appointed by University of Wisconsin System President Katharine C. Lyall to help identify a successor to former UW-Stevens Point Chancellor Thomas George. The committee will be chaired by Padmanabhan Sudevan, UW-Stevens Point professor of psychology. He will be joined by eight other faculty members, two academic staff members, two […]

  35. Lyall appoints committee for UW-Milwaukee chancellor search

    MADISON—University of Wisconsin System President Katharine C. Lyall today announced the appointment of a 27-member search-and-screen committee that will help identify a successor to UW-Milwaukee Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher. The campus/community search-and-screen committee will be chaired by William Holahan, UWM professor of economics. He will be joined by 13 other UWM faculty members, two academic […]

  36. UW officials seek outside recommendations on leadership salaries

    MADISON—In the wake of public and political concerns about the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents’ adjustment of leadership salary ranges, Board President Toby E. Marcovich and UW System President Katharine C. Lyall said they will seek recommendations from national search consultants before making any changes to the current pay rates of UW System […]

  37. UW eases transfer process

    Speaker’s Task Force on WTCS, Remarks by Katharine C. Lyall, President, UW System

    Good Morning. Thank you for inviting me to be with you today. It is always a pleasure to share the podium with my colleague, Richard Carpenter. Since his arrival, we have worked very closely, most notably together with President Wegenke of WAICU and State School Superintendent Burmaster as leaders of the PK-16 Council which exists, […]

  38. Board honors UW System faculty for excellence in teaching

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents Day Two September 2003 Meeting, Day 2 News Summary

    MADISON – Recognizing the extraordinary talent and vital capacity of teachers within the University of Wisconsin System, the Board of Regents on Friday (Sept. 5) honored the winners of the 12th annual Regents Teaching Excellence Awards. “The Regents Teaching Excellence Awards ceremony makes sure that we do not take for granted the multifaceted resource we have […]

  39. Regent Action to Adjust Uw System Executive Salary Ranges

    University of Wisconsin System Fact Sheet

    State statutes require that the University of Wisconsin Board of Regents annually set salary ranges for UW senior executives. The board met and adjusted these ranges on September 2. No executive salary raises were approved at the September meeting. The goal was to set ranges so that searches could go forward for new chancellors at […]

  40. Regents continue study of UW’s future

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents September 2003 Meeting, Day 1 News Summary

    MADISON – The Board of Regents began its September meeting on Thursday (Sept. 4) with continued work in directing a study of the future of the University of Wisconsin System. The study, titled Charting A New Course for the UW System, is guided by five separate working groups, all of which have a unique focus […]

  41. Regents to honor UW System Teaching Excellence Award winners

    MADISON—The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents will honor the winners of the annual Regents Teaching Excellence Awards on Friday (Sept. 5) during a ceremony at a full board meeting in Madison. The 2003 Teaching Excellence Award winners are: Carole G. Vopat, professor of English and women’s studies, UW-Parkside; Janna Cowen, professor of economics, […]

  42. UW campuses earn high marks in U.S. News college rankings

    MADISON—University of Wisconsin System campuses scored high in the rankings included in the “2004 America’s Best Colleges” guidebook, published by U.S. News and World Report. Five UW System campuses are listed among the top 10 best Midwestern master’s level public universities, including UW-Eau Claire and UW-La Crosse, which are tied for third; UW-Stevens Point, ranked […]

  43. Lyall names Helm UWSP Interim Chancellor

    MADISON – University of Wisconsin System President Katharine C. Lyall announced Tuesday (Aug. 5) that she has appointed Virginia Helm as interim chancellor of UW-Stevens Point. Helm, currently UWSP provost, will serve as interim chancellor while a search is conducted to find a successor to Chancellor Thomas F. George, who will become Chancellor of the […]

  44. UW System receives grant to study workplace enhancement

    MADISON – The University of Wisconsin System will use a $500,000 grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to study how to improve the workplace and facilitate faculty and staff careers. The Sloan Foundation selected the UW System for the project because of its diverse array of campuses and its previous studies on workplace issues. […]

  45. UW System continues to Engage Wisconsin during “UW Day at the State Fair”

    MADISON – The University of Wisconsin System welcomes families, students and future alumni to attend a day of campus exhibits and special events at the Wisconsin State Fair. “UW Day at the State Fair” will take place on the Central Mall of the Wisconsin State Fairgrounds in West Allis from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. […]

  46. Departure of UW-Stevens Point Chancellor Thomas George

    Statement by Katharine C. Lyall President, University of Wisconsin System

    MADISON – “Tom George’s departure is a significant loss for UW-Stevens Point and the UW System. Under Tom’s strong leadership, UW-Stevens Point has engaged with other partners in central Wisconsin to mount important economic development initiatives; over the past seven years, UW-Stevens Point’s academic programs have become more distinctive, its new Global Environmental Management institute […]

  47. Reaction to Governor Doyle’s budget vetoes

    Statement by Toby E. Marcovich President, University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents

    MADISON – “Governor Doyle, when proposing his 2003-05 state budget, proposed and supported a $250 million dollar cut to the UW System, and the Legislature agreed not to increase the cut. After reviewing his vetoes today, it appears there are two provisions in particular that could potentially deepen the cut to the university by many […]

  48. President Lyall names interim chancellor at UW-Milwaukee

    MADISON— – University of Wisconsin System President Katharine C. Lyall announced Wednesday (July 23) that The Milwaukee Idea will be kept in motion at UW-Milwaukee by a strong leadership team composed of Provost John Wanat and Interim Chancellor Robert Greenstreet. “It takes two people to replace Nancy Zimpher,” quipped Lyall. “I am looking to Interim […]

  49. Departure of UW-Milwaukee Chancellor Nancy Zimpher

    Statement by Katharine C. Lyall President, University of Wisconsin System

    MADISON – “Nancy Zimpher’s departure is a major loss for UW-Milwaukee, the UW System and the state. Her vigorous leadership has revitalized UWM and helped the university work with the larger Milwaukee community to strengthen K-12 education through the Milwaukee Partnership Academy, to boost economic development through TechStar, and in many other ways. The UW […]

  50. Regents approve 2003-04 operating budget, set tuition rates

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents July 2003 Meeting News Summary

    MADISON – The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents on Thursday (July 10) approved a 2003-04 budget that shows the effects of $110 million in state funding cuts and raises tuition to maintain access and quality for students. State support comprises just 27.3 percent of the UW System budget in 2003-04, a decrease from […]

  51. UW Board of Regents approves 2003-04 budget, tuition rates

    MADISON – The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents on Thursday (July 10) approved a 2003-04 budget that shows the effects of $110 million in state funding cuts and raises tuition to maintain access and quality for students. Under the new spending plan, state support will comprise just 27.3 percent of the UW System […]

  52. PK-16 Leadership Council honors excellence in education

    MADISON – Programs that are making significant contributions toward improving student learning and teacher performance have been honored by the Wisconsin PK-16 Leadership Council. The council presented the Programs of Distinction Award to three outstanding PK-16 initiatives. The council also recognized the achievements of six additional programs by creating the Promising Practices Award. The Wisconsin […]

  53. Supreme Court Decision on University of Michigan Affirmative Action Case

    Statement from Katharine C. Lyall President, University of Wisconsin System

    We are very pleased with the Supreme Court’s decision today on the University of Michigan affirmative action cases. We welcome the court’s decisions that affirmed the compelling educational benefits flowing from a diverse student body. The University of Wisconsin System admission practices and policies follow the same approach as those of the University of Michigan […]

  54. UW System graduates more than 29,000 students

    MADISON – As the spring commencement season draws to a close, more than 29,000 students have graduated from the University of Wisconsin System during the 2002-03 academic year. These UW System graduates are now prepared to become part of Wisconsin’s workforce, further emphasizing the importance of public higher education to the state’s economy, according to […]

  55. Regents select new leaders

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents June 2003 Meeting Day Two News Summary

    MILWAUKEE – The UW System Board of Regents selected new leaders on Friday (June 6), electing Toby E. Marcovich of Superior as president and David G. Walsh of Madison as vice president. Marcovich, vice chair of the Regents’ Executive Committee, succeeds Guy A. Gottschalk of Wisconsin Rapids as Regent president. “Thank you for all of […]

  56. UW System Regents Select New Leaders

    MILWAUKEE – The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents selected new leaders on Friday (June 6), electing Toby E. Marcovich of Superior as president and David G. Walsh of Madison as vice president. Marcovich, vice chair of the Regents’ Executive Committee, succeeds Guy A. Gottschalk of Wisconsin Rapids as Regent president. Marcovich began his […]

  57. Regent President urges protection of UW budget

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents June 2003 Meeting Day One News Summary

    MILWAUKEE – The University of Wisconsin System must continue to protect its budget until the final state budget bill is signed, Board of Regents President Guy Gottschalk said Thursday (June 5) at the board’s June meeting at UW-Milwaukee. Cuts to the UW System’s proposed 2003-05 budget did not go any deeper than the governor’s proposal […]

  58. Remarks on the UW Budget

    Guy Gottschalk, President, UW System Board of Regents

    Before I turn the floor over to President Lyall, I’d like to comment briefly on the current status of state budget deliberations pertaining to the UW. This has been a long and difficult process for all concerned, but we must persevere until the ink is dry on the final budget bill. Our Chancellors were given […]

  59. UW chosen as national site for research of teaching and learning

    MADISON – The University of Wisconsin System has been selected as a national leader to further strengthen teaching through the enhancement of learning. The UW System will serve as one of 12 national leaders in the American Association of Higher Education Carnegie Academy Campus Program in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. As one of […]

  60. Statement on Joint Finance Committee Action

    Katharine C. Lyall, President University of Wisconsin System

    “We appreciate the flexibility the Joint Finance Committee has given us to handle what will still be a very serious cut of $100 million dollars. We have said throughout this process that we are willing to be part of the solution to the state’s fiscal problem, but coping with this magnitude of cut will test […]

  61. Poll finds strong public support for UW System

    MADISON – Wisconsin citizens do not want state lawmakers to cut funding for the University of Wisconsin System any deeper than levels proposed by Gov. Jim Doyle, according to a recent poll. In a random sample of 601 Wisconsin residents across the state, 55 percent of those surveyed said the governor’s $250 million cut to […]

  62. Poll finds strong support for UW System

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents May 2003 Meeting Day Two News Summary

    STEVENS POINT – University of Wisconsin System President Katharine C. Lyall presented to the Board of Regents Friday the results from a statewide poll showing broad public support for the university. Lyall said a recent poll by the UW-Madison Survey Center revealed the following results: 96 percent of Wisconsin citizens believe the UW System is […]

  63. Hold the line on UW budget, regent president says

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents May 2003 Meeting Day One News Summary

    STEVENS POINT – University of Wisconsin System leaders must continue to stress that cuts to the UW budget must go no deeper than those proposed by Gov. Jim Doyle, Board of Regents President Guy Gottschalk said Thursday (May 8). Speaking at the board’s May meeting at UW-Stevens Point, Gottschalk told board members that the university […]

  64. Remarks on the UW Budget

    Guy Gottschalk, President, UW System Board of Regents

    Good morning. Before we begin today, I want to greet our new members to the Board of Regents. Yesterday, the Governor announced three new appointments to the board – Eileen Connolly Keesler, Charles Pruitt and Beth Ann Richlen. He also announced that Mark Bradley, who was appointed to the Board in January, would begin serving […]

  65. Research capacity must be preserved to protect UW System’s future, board told

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents April 2003 Meeting Day Two News Summary

    MADISON – Research at University of Wisconsin System campuses has made major contributions to state and local economies, and continued public and private funding for research will help drive the UW System’s future, according to presentations to the Board of Regents on Friday (April 11). According to National Science Foundation statistics, UW-Madison led the nation’s […]

  66. Remarks on Joint Finance Committee Action

    by Guy Gottschalk, President UW Board of Regents

    On Wednesday, the Joint Finance Committee considered the university’s proposal to meet the $8.26 million lapse called for by the governor’s budget reform act for this fiscal year. With only two months left to effectively meet this cut, the UW System presented a plan for making these cuts with minimal impact on students. The plan […]

  67. Remarks on the Budget

    by Guy Gottschalk, President UW Board of Regents

    There is an additional item that I wish to present to the Board, and I hope you will listen carefully. These words have been uttered here before and are eerily relevant to today’s circumstances. I quote: “Your University has never before feared change; it need not fear it now. Indeed, if it is to attain […]

  68. Remarks to the Board of Regents

    by President Katharine C. Lyall

    Academic Staff Awards Each year, the Board of Regents recognizes outstanding contributions by two academic staff from our campuses. Academic staff are the professionals who carry responsibilities in admissions, financial aid, advising and counseling, research operations, safety, and a host of other functions without which our institutions could not deliver quality education. The Regents Awards […]

  69. Two earn 2003 Regents Academic Staff Excellence Awards

    MADISON – Two research specialists from within the University of Wisconsin System have been named the winners of the 2003 Regents Academic Staff Award for Excellence. The recipients of this year’s award are John J. Gugerty, researcher at UW-Madison’s Center on Education and Work; and Susan Foxwell, director of research services at UW-Stout. Each receives […]

  70. Budget cuts prompt UW System to evaluate its long-range future

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents April 2003 Meeting Day One News Summary

    MADISON – The University of Wisconsin System must carefully examine how budget cuts may affect the UW’s mission and long-term capacity to maintain quality and excellence, members of the Board of Regents recommended Thursday (April 10). In suggesting such an analysis, members of the board urged a system-wide comprehensive study to consider how the face […]

  71. Report on Regent Listening Sessions

    Regent President Guy Gottschalk

    As you know, we have recently hosted five listening sessions across the state to gain a better understanding of the impact of the Governor’s proposed cuts to the System, our campuses and UW-Extension programs. We invited community leaders, parents, local educators and business owners to hear their views on the cuts and to learn how […]

  72. College degree improves financial, social well-being, studies show

    MADISON – Earning a college degree brings a person immediate and long-term financial and social benefits and has a positive effect on the graduate’s health as well, according to two studies from the University of Wisconsin System. The first study, produced by the UW System’s Office of Policy Analysis and Research, shows that average earnings […]

  73. President Lyall discusses budget with student journalists

    University of Wisconsin System President Katharine C. Lyall spoke with student journalists from across Wisconsin Monday (March 31) about the state budget, financial aid, student tuition and the priorities of the UW System. During a teleconference with reporters and editors from UW student newspapers, Lyall primarily fielded questions about the 2003-05 budget Gov. Jim Doyle […]

  74. Locations of remaining Board of Regents listening sessions

    The specific locations and times for the remaining University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents listening sessions on the proposed 2003-05 state budget have been finalized and are as follows: UW-Stevens Point, Tuesday (March 25), 4-6 p.m., University Center Alumni Room, 1015 Reserve St., Stevens Point. The Alumni Room is on the second floor. UW-Waukesha, […]

  75. Regents to hold listening sessions on proposed budget cuts

    MADISON – The University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents will hold several listening sessions this month to learn how proposed budget cuts could affect UW campuses and the communities in which they are located. Listening sessions will be held in Eau Claire on Tuesday (March 11) and Green Bay on Thursday (March 13). Listening […]

  76. Budget cuts will have dramatic impact, regents are told

    Board of Regents March 2003 Meeting Day Two News Summary

    MADISON – Tuition increases proposed by Gov. Jim Doyle will still result in a $100 million reduction for the University of Wisconsin System—a reduction that will dramatically affect teaching and learning, the Board of Regents was told Friday. UW System President Katharine C. Lyall said stressed the importance of maintaining the governor’s proposed tuition increase […]

  77. Remarks to the Board of Regents

    by President Katharine C. Lyall

    UW Personnel Called To Military Duty As our nation anticipates war in Iraq, a number of UW students, faculty, and staff are being called to active duty in the military. I just want to review for you our policies regarding students and employees called to active military duty. Employees called to duty, may, for the […]

  78. Regents react to governor’s proposed budget cuts

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents March 2003 Meeting Day One News Summary

    MADISON – Members of the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents Thursday (March 6) expressed their deep concern over budget cuts proposed for the university and how those cuts could hinder the UW’s ability to educate students and serve the state in the future. In their first meeting since Gov. Jim Doyle last month […]

  79. Remarks Introducing 2003-’05 Budget Discussion

    Guy Gottschalk, President UW Board of Regents

    On February 18, Governor Doyle unveiled his state budget proposal for 2003-’05. We recognize the seriousness of the budget constraints facing the state of Wisconsin and we appreciate the difficult job that the Governor and his staff faced in balancing the 2003-05 budget. Furthermore, we expected to be called upon to do our fair share […]

  80. Remarks to the Board of Regents

    UW System President Katharine C. Lyall

    Since the board met last month, Governor Doyle has taken two budget actions that affect the UW System: first, he directed that state agencies cut a further $161million from current year(2002-03) budgets—the UW’s share of that cut was $6.9 million dollars. The Legislature subsequently increased our portion of the cut to $8.3 million, stipulating that […]

  81. Governor recommends massive cut to UW System budget

    Proposed reductions are largest ever faced by the university

    MADISON – —Cuts in state support to the University of Wisconsin System proposed in Gov. Jim Doyle’s budget will affect students, faculty, staff and communities all across the state, UW System President Katharine C. Lyall said Wednesday. “These cuts are unprecedented in their magnitude,” Lyall said. “They will affect everything we do—from administration, to research, […]

  82. Statement on Governor Doyle’s Proposed 2003-05 Budget

    Katharine C. Lyall, President University of Wisconsin System

    Last evening, Governor Doyle laid out his budget proposal for the state of Wisconsin for the 2003-05 biennium. It is a serious proposal to address a mounting state deficit that threatens our state’s health. Governor Doyle is proposing very deep cuts to state spending, including very deep cuts to our university system. The Governor has […]

  83. Remarks on Governor Doyle’s Proposed 2003-05 Budget

    Guy Gottschalk, President, UW Board of Regents

    We recognize the seriousness of the budget constraints facing the state of Wisconsin and we appreciate the difficult job that the Governor and his staff faced in balancing the 2003-05 budget. At the same time, the cuts presented for the University of Wisconsin System are of an unprecedented magnitude and come on the heels of […]

  84. UW System will maintain core mission during tough economic times

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents February 2003 Meeting Day Two News Summary

    MADISON – The University of Wisconsin System must work to protect its future capacity to serve students and Wisconsin citizens as it makes decisions in the short-term to deal with budget cuts, UW System President Katharine C. Lyall told the Board of Regents on Friday (Feb. 7). “Our obligation is to serve our students well […]

  85. Remarks to the Board of Regents by Regent President Guy Gottschalk

    Once again, thanks to all of our former regents for their dedication and hard work, and for their commitment to this outstanding university. We hope you will stay engaged and we look forward to working with you through the challenging months ahead. The budgetary challenges facing the UW System were reinforced in Governor Doyle’s remarks […]

  86. 2003-05 Budget Message

    Remarks to the Board of Regents UW System President Katharine C. Lyall February 7, 2003

    As we know, the Governor expects to deliver his proposed budget in a speech on February 18. He has warned us all not to expect a Valentine. We know that the UW System must be part of the solution to the state deficit and our campuses have been working since last November to identify priorities […]

  87. UW System important to Wisconsin’s future, governor says

    University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents February 2003 Meeting Day One News Summary

    MADISON – The University of Wisconsin System is a top priority for Gov. Jim Doyle, even though the current budget deficit will require tough choices in the near future, the governor told the Board of Regents Thursday (Feb. 6). “I see the University of Wisconsin System as one of the great promises of opportunity to […]

  88. “Achieving Excellence, 2002-03”

    Remarks to the Board of Regents UW System President Katharine C. Lyall Accountability Report

    The UW System was one of the first university systems in the country to start issuing public stakeholders reports. Every year since 1993, we have issued a UW System Accountability Report showing our progress on a series of indicators ranging from access rates and faculty workloads to graduation rates; credits-to-degree; research funding; facilities maintenance; employer, […]

  89. UW System offers recommendations for federal funding

    MADISON – The federal government should expand financial aid for students in need, increase funding for improving teacher quality and bolster resources for online learning. Those are the main recommendations the University of Wisconsin System submitted to Congress this week as lawmakers begin the process to reauthorize the Higher Education Act, which provides federal funding […]

  90. Report: UW System accountable to students, state

    MADISON – University of Wisconsin System graduation and retention rates continue to rise, two strong indicators that students are being effectively served despite limited resources, according to the latest university accountability report. Released this week in conjunction with the February meeting of the UW System Board of Regents, the report outlines how the university holds […]

  91. Appointments to Board of Regents

    Statement by Katharine C. Lyall President, University of Wisconsin System

    “I am pleased that Governor Doyle has acted promptly to fill vacancies on the Board of Regents. The chancellors and I look forward to working with the new members of the board. “It is clear from their backgrounds and experience that the new regents know the university well and have much to offer us in […]