Wikidata:WikiProject LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group/Wikidata Working Hours/2023-October-23 Wikidata Working Hour

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October 23, 2023 Wikidata Working Hour


Monday, October 23, 2023 at 10:00am PT / 12:00pm CT / 1:00pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 7:00pm CEST / 6:00pm WAT / 10:30pm IST (Time zone converter)

In Advance of the Session


To get the most out of this Working Hour, please install the most recent version of OpenRefine in advance. Detailed installation instructions here:




If you wish to download the files, you can use the "Download (5 files)" link on the upper right of the page linked above.



Co-Leads: Dnshitobu, Jamie Carlstone

Chat Monitor: Anna Ayoung-Stoute

Event page: Susan Radovsky

Event dashboard: Susan Radovsky

Series Coordinators: Alexandra Wong, Hilary Thorsen, Susan Radovsky



Login to the Event Dashboard with your Wikimedia account to keep track of your edits today



Starting in August and running through December, 2023, we will be assembling a data set of diverse LIS (Library and Information Science) materials (articles, conference proceedings, books) and adding it to Wikidata during a series of Wikidata Working Hours. Each event will provide an opportunity to try out different Wikidata-related skills and tools while working with a finite dataset. Topics covered in the Working Hours will include: assembling a bibliography, exporting articles and books from Zotero into QuickStatements, webscraping for data in the PAWS environment, adding authors and publishers manually into Wikidata, batch editing using OpenRefine, batch editing using the LINCS tool, using the Author Disambiguator tool, and analyzing and visualizing data with SPARQL and Scholia.

The sixth Wikidata Working Hour in the series will cover batch creating items using OpenRefine.

Citation Politics


The ethos of the Working Hour series centres around citation politics and the environmental factors that encourage gaming citation practices.

As feminist scholar Sara Ahmed writes, "I would describe citation as a rather successful reproductive technology, a way of reproducing the world around certain bodies.... The reproduction of a discipline can be the reproduction of these techniques of selection, ways of making certain bodies and thematics core to the discipline, and others not even part."

On the racial politics of citation, Victor Ray states, "Citations draw our attention to the ideas that supposedly matter, they are a measure of one’s intellectual influence and they shape what we are able to think about a given field. Citations, or a lack thereof, bolster reputations and facilitate or exclude one from subsequent opportunities."

Citation Politics, a term I prefer to reframe as the "Citation Game," extends beyond the existing discourse. This phrase better encapsulates the dynamics among scientists regarding referencing and citing each other's work; this phenomenon has taken a troubling turn with a rising prevalence of biases. Nowadays, the lines between constructive referencing and manipulation blur as journal reviewers overtly request authors to include citations in their papers; manipulation of citations has evolved into a strategic tool aimed at inflating the Impact Factor of publications, which becomes intertwined with university rankings, addressing this issue necessitates a rigorous investigation to enhance the integrity and quality of scholarly contributions in the realm of citations. -- Dr. Manju Naika

We invite reflection and action on how Wikidata, as a linked open database with ties to search engines and Wikipedia and with querying and visualization with SPARQL and Scholia, might help diversify who and what gets cited in the field of LIS.


  • Background on the Working Hour Series project
  • Overview of the project documentation
  • Demonstration
    • Where to download OpenRefine
    • Uploading a Drive sheet to OpenRefine
    • Reconciliation
    • Editing Wikibase schema
    • Creating a bot account
    • Uploading edits to Wikidata

Ways to Contribute


We'll be working with this spreadsheet: Add your initials to the items you are working with today.

