Wikidata:WikiProject LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group/Affinity Group Calls/Meeting Notes/2020-06-02

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Call Agenda

  • Date: 2020-06-02
  • Topic: Wikidata Needs and Planning for the Future of the Group
  • Speakers: Hilary Thorsen

Presentation Materials


Meeting Notes

  • Goals for today
    • Thanks to everyone who filled out our 3 minute survey. You can still fill it out!
    • For group: mapping needs, revisiting priorities
    • For participants:
      • Flesh out and share questions important to own workflow as they intersect with Wikidata + adjacent Wikimedia projects
      • Better understand strategic implications in the context of institutional/departmental priorities
      • Articulate concrete needs and shared interests
  • Good ideas for discussion
    • All ideas are welcome, at any time. You can participate in discussion, and/or add your ideas to the notes.
    • We’ll use the “raise your hand” feature! If you have responses or related questions, please raise your hand or type into chat. (You can un-raise your hand by clicking the icon again.)
    • Note-taking: we can help each other consolidate notes and group similar ideas together
    • Let us know if the facilitation is working for you. If there are any barriers to your participation, please flag this in chat or shoot Hilary/Alex a private message
    • Let’s maximise participation! We invite you to proactively share the platform with other participants--especially if you're someone finds it easy to participate
  • Discussion on current landscape of Wikidata needs (+ barriers!)
    • Workflows: What are the how-tos that you’re trying to figure out?
    • Documentation infrastructure: Where are we documenting these sharable insights/workflows?
    • Concepts: What ideas or concepts would it help you to better understand?
    • Community-building: What does a good local community look like? What “steps” have been helping you get there?
    • Case studies: Are there any projects you are working on that you would be interested in sharing on a call?
    • Adjacent projects: From a Wikidata perspective, what do you want to learn to do on Wikipedia (and other Wikimedia projects)?
    • What other questions do you have?
    • Revisiting topics
  • Notes
    • Workflows: What are the how-tos that you’re trying to figure out?
      • Data modelling; reconciling local data with WD entities
      • Understanding + writing schema crosswalks
      • Authority control
      • Attribution
      • Combining structured data on Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons
      • Incorporating Wikidata into more general cataloguing workflow
        • Incorporating Wikidata into MARC cataloguing workflows
        • PCC Task Group on Identity Management planning upcoming Wikidata Pilot as part of Program for Cooperative Cataloging
    • Documentation infrastructure: Where are we documenting these sharable insights/workflows?
      • Practical Wikidata for Librarians-space to compile projects, tasks, documentation, ideas, queries, and other information relevant to librarians and GLAM folks starting to work with Wikidata
    • Concepts: What ideas or concepts would it help you to better understand?
      • Wikidata notability
      • The "sex or gender" property (P21) does not work for non-gender binary people because it conflates sex and gender. Who in the community is working on fixing this?
    • Community-building: What does a good local community look like? What “steps” have been helping you get there?
      • IFLA Wikidata Working Group also has similar priorities:
      • Reaching communities that aren’t immediate institution
        • Getting connected to existing groups on Wikiprojects
          • e.g. scanned Arabic books
      • Blocking out time to share training and information with other institutions, importance of relationship building
      • Biweekly Wiki lounge at NYU
        • Low pressure opportunities for engagement
      • York Libraries: reserve a time at monthly meetings
      • Stanford Wikidata Project:
        • Weekly working group
      • Organizing with local libraries around academic institutions for curating local information?
      • Institutions partner with other institutions as a way to help convince reluctant partners
      • Creation of documentation for buy-in and overview of Wikidata
      • Intro/outline document for increasing institution buy-in
        • Are we familiar with any?
        • There is a short 5 min video “An introduction to Wikidata”
      • Collaborating on property proposals
    • Case studies: Are there any projects you are working on that you would be interested in sharing on a call?
    • Adjacent projects: From a Wikidata perspective, what do you want to learn to do on Wikipedia (and other Wikimedia projects)?
    • What other questions do you have?
      • Hilary - can you talk about whether the WikiCite project is under the scope of LD4 Wikidata? And if it is, might you want to invite Liam Wyatt for a future meeting? - Bob Kosovsky
    • Revisiting topics
    • Action items:
      • Concrete documentation of benefits that come from engaging in this community
      • Collaboration on proposals
        • What proposals?