Wikidata:Property proposal/minimum temperature record

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minimum temperature record


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Place

Descriptionlowest temperature reached at this location
Representsminimum temperature record (Q63301851)
Data typeQuantity
Domaingeographic location (Q2221906)
Allowed unitsgenerally degree Celsius (Q25267), degree Fahrenheit (Q42289)
Example 1Afghanistan (Q889) → -52.2 °C
Example 2South Africa (Q258) → -18.6 °C
Example 3Albania (Q222) → -25.8 °C
Planned usearticle temperature records on Earth (Q20183675)
See alsomaximum temperature record (P6591)



Following a proposal by @Manu1400:, we created maximum temperature record (P6591) some time ago. I think this would nicely complete that. @Infovarius, Dhx1: fyi.

Please add more samples/help complete the proposal (Add your motivation for this property here.) --- Jura 10:49, 5 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]

