Wikidata:Property proposal/Digest

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Law digest


Originally proposed at Wikidata:Property proposal/Generic

   Done: law digest (P9376) (Talk and documentation)
Descriptionshort text that summarizes a law, part of the preamble
Representslong title (Q105206575)
Data typeMonolingual text
Domainstatute (Q820655)
Allowed valuestext
Example 1Marco Civil da Internet (Q6757502) → Estabelece princípios, garantias, direitos e deveres para o uso da Internet no Brasil.
Example 2Law no 13991 of April 17, 2020 (Q104214344) → Inscreve o nome de Osvaldo Euclides de Sousa Aranha no Livro dos Heróis e Heroínas da Pátria.
Example 3Law No. 10264 of July 16, 2001 (Q10316938) → Acrescenta inciso e parágrafos ao art. 56 da Lei nº 9.615, de 24 de março de 1998, que institui normas gerais sobre desporto.
Example 4Lei Maria da Penha (Q6519020) → Cria mecanismos para coibir a violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulher, nos termos do § 8º do art. 226 da Constituição Federal, da Convenção sobre a Eliminação de Todas as Formas de Discriminação contra as Mulheres e da Convenção Interamericana para Prevenir, Punir e Erradicar a Violência contra a Mulher; dispõe sobre a criação dos Juizados de Violência Doméstica e Familiar contra a Mulher; altera o Código de Processo Penal, o Código Penal e a Lei de Execução Penal; e dá outras providências.
SourceThis is an definition of what a 'digest' means in the context of Brazil's laws.
Planned useAdding this information to over 27 000 Brazilian laws
See also
  • title (P1476): published name of a work, such as a newspaper article, a literary work, piece of music, a website, or a performance work
  • subtitle (P1680): for works, when the title is followed by a subtitle
  • short name (P1813): short name of a place, organisation, person, journal, wikidata property, etc. Used by some Wikipedia templates.
  • name (P2561): name the subject is known by. If a more specific property is available, use that
  • first line (P1922): first line (incipit) of a poem, first sentence of a novel, speech, etc.
  • scope and content (P7535): a summary statement providing an overview of the archival collection
Wikidata projectWikiProject Brazilian Laws (Q105091640)



Brazilian laws are always forwarded by a short summary of what they are about. You can see examples here and here: they are the burgundy paragraph aligned to the right at the top of the page. As expected, the shortness of the summary depends on the length of the law's text.

The name of laws in Brazil rarely ever give out any information on what the law actually states. The standard name format is "Law No. [XXX], of [date]". The most "famous" Brazilian laws receive one or more nicknames (such as some of the examples cited here) by which they are referred by. But this doesn't apply to the vast majority of them.

We are currently working on uploading over 27 000 Brazilian laws to Wikidata. If this property were approved, I would add this property to all of them. It would greatly help users distinguish between laws, and identify the one they are looking for. VStocco (WMB) (talk) 22:07, 1 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]


  • @ChristianKl: Although it is said to be short, there are a few inconsistencies: 18 of 25588 laws and decree laws have more than 1500 characters (The median is 125, with standard deviation of 110 characters). On those cases, I was thinking in a solution. What do you think of this? Good contributions, Ederporto (talk) 16:56, 23 February 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Jura1: It seems that long title (Q6673543) is the English equivalent (maybe both objects should be merged): "The long title is intended to provide a summarised description of the purpose or scope of the instrument."; it's not a random diget, but an integral part of the legal act/legislative instrument. Giro720 (talk) 10:36, 4 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]
@Jura1: I changed to specifically mention "law". We can put long title as an alias. What do you think? Good contributions, Ederporto (talk) 22:18, 4 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]
* Looks good. I'm not quite sure what to think of long title (Q6673543). For other works, the long title goes into "title", the short one, into short name (P1813). name (P2561) is the general property for names we don't have a property for. --- Jura 07:12, 5 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]
Jura1 I'm not sure either. Coming from a Brazilian point of view, this would definitely not be the title of the law, their title is (Law|Decree-Law|X) nº Y, de DD de MMM de AAAA and this is an short description of the law to quick know what it is about, but I think in italian what they call the "title" (not the "offical name", that still follows date and sequential number format) is indeed a short description of it. By doing it more wide we can address all of those cases, I think. If you think it is ok, can you support it? Good contributions, Ederporto (talk) 20:12, 14 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  • @Hannes Röst: An abstract property would probably violate copyright rights, as it is an creative text. A law digest is, at leat in Brazil, but I'm inclined to believe that in other places too, in public domain. Good contributions, Ederporto (talk) 05:45, 16 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]
  • @Ederporto: my point was not about copyright, my point was that we should create a property in general for abstracts and not narrow this to legal texts. Obviously we can only enter stuff that is CC0, but there are also government reports that have an abstract (for example). I just dont see the point to limit to this to (Brazilian) legal texts, if we need something like this (a short summary) then why not for other text types as well where we are legally allowed to do so? --Hannes Röst (talk) 13:58, 16 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]

@VStocco (WMB), ChristianKl, Giro720, Jura1, Hannes Röst: and @Joalpe, Mike Peel: law digest (P9376) ✓ Done. Good contributions, Ederporto (talk) 00:05, 30 March 2021 (UTC)[reply]