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en-GB-N This user has a native understanding of British English.
en-N This user has a native understanding of English.
This user has rollback rights on Wikidata. (verify)
This user has a page on English Wikipedia.
This user has a page on Wikimedia Commons.
This user has a page on Wikisource.
Users by language

My name: Martin (Q18002399) Poulter (Q7235572).

What I've created in mainspace



Wikidata Queries


I am learning about SPARQL and the Query Service so I can make interesting visualisations for research and education. A sub-page lists my example queries.

Past work


From October 2016 to October 2019, I was employed as the Wikimedian In Residence at the University of Oxford, based at the Bodleian Libraries. This involved some paid editing to share data from and about GLAMs and research projects with Wikidata.



I proposed Electronic Enlightenment ID (P3429), English Short Title Catalogue ID (P3939), thesis submitted to (P4101), Atlas of Hillforts ID (P4102), Early Modern Letters Online location ID (P4672), Japan Search name ID (P6698), Dictionary of Irish Biography ID (P6829)

Puzzle games


I've contributed some games to Wikidata:Everything is connected.

Visualisations I use in presentations


For the definitive list see Wikidata:Tools/External_tools.

Contributing to Wikidata


Getting data out of Wikidata


Overviews of Wikidata


Wikidata partnerships




Me in Wikidata

  • I'm Q19959618. I wrote Q42887055. I devised and implemented the programme of Q114247349 though it was Phoebe Harkins at the Wellcome Collection who truly made it happen.

I've done about 230,000 edits through User:QuickStatementsBot.

Plomer book in Wikidata

SELECT ?personLabel ?locationLabel (YEAR(?floruit) AS ?year) ?link WHERE {
?bio wdt:P1433/wdt:P629? wd:Q40901539. # biography in the book
?person wdt:P1343 ?bio.       # person subject of the biography
?person wdt:P937 ?location.   # where person worked
?person wdt:P1317 ?floruit.   # year when person was active
?link schema:about ?bio.      # link to transcribed biography
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
} ORDER BY ?year
Try it!

Connecting the Plomer book to the DNB

SELECT ?item1 ?image ?item1Label ?item2 ?image2 ?item2Label ?edgeLabel
VALUES ?item1 {wd:Q41092013 wd:Q7341875 wd:Q18917186 wd:Q19389637 wd:Q40901539 wd:Q36180 wd:Q19066456 wd:Q18877169 wd:Q998550 wd:Q182436 wd:Q15987216 wd:Q84}
} } AS %item1
WITH {SELECT (?item1 AS ?item2) WHERE {INCLUDE %item1} } AS %item2
  INCLUDE %item1.
  INCLUDE %item2.
?item1 ?prop ?item2.
?edge wikibase:directClaim ?prop ; a wikibase:Property
OPTIONAL {?item1 wdt:P18 ?image}
OPTIONAL {?item2 wdt:P18 ?image2}
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "[AUTO_LANGUAGE],en" }
Try it!

Plomer book as a timeline

#defaultView:Timeline{"hide": "?floruit"}
SELECT ?personLabel ?floruit (year(?floruit) as ?year) WHERE {
?bio wdt:P1433/wdt:P629? wd:Q40901539. # biography in the book
?person wdt:P1343 ?bio.       # person subject of the biography
?person wdt:P937 wd:Q34217.   # person worked in Oxford
?person wdt:P1317 ?floruit.   # year when person was active
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" }
} ORDER BY ?year
Try it!

Leeds query - note to self
