best of all possible worlds ingelesa (Q1217908)

Nabigaziora joan Bilaketara joan
the doctrine or belief that in the system of things all that happens, the undesirable no less than the desirable, is for the best ingelesa
Hizkuntza Etiketa Deskribapena Goitizenak
Ez da etiketarik zehaztu
Ez da deskribapenik zehaztu
    best of all possible worlds
    the doctrine or belief that in the system of things all that happens, the undesirable no less than the desirable, is for the best
    • optimism
    • philosophical optimism
    • all is for the best in this best of all possible worlds


    0 erreferentzia
    0 erreferentzia
    best of all possible worlds (ingelesa)
    all is for the best in this best of all possible worlds
    2 erreferentzia
    all is for the best in this best of all possible worlds
    quotation ingelesa
    At the ... who claims that "all is for the best in this best of all possible worlds," ... (ingelesa)
    最善世界観 (japoniera)
    Erreferentzia bat
    quotation ingelesa
    可能世界 / かのうせかい / possible worlds / 哲学・論理学用語。もともとは、ライプニッツがみずからの最善世界観を説明するために用いた概念。 (japoniera)
    0 erreferentzia


    best of all possible worlds / philosophy / History & Society > Philosophical Issues
    0 erreferentzia