Topic on User talk:Matlin

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EncycloPetey (talkcontribs)

I don't understand the need for all these recent edits where you mark a data item for a person or work as "different from" a Wikimedia disambiguation page. Disambiguation pages are always different from content pages.

EncycloPetey (talkcontribs)

I see this has been done multiple times in your current run. Please identify these cases and undo them.

2001:7D0:81DA:F780:9823:763A:83D3:5CB (talkcontribs)
VIGNERON (talkcontribs)


@EncycloPetey: I don't understand you either, what's wrong to point to (or from) a disambiguation page? Yes, obviously they are different, otherwise the statements wouldn't make any sense, the goal is to tell from what they are different and that could be confusing (because the label is similar for instance).

For the record, I just checked and it's done on 245 444 items right now (

EncycloPetey (talkcontribs)

That's the point: They are OBVIOUSLY different, and so are not likely to be confused. The property is for items that someone might reasonably confuse because the distinction ISN'T obvious. Numbers of uses aren't relevant if the uses are wrong.

VIGNERON (talkcontribs)

"obvious" is subjective, they have the same label so confusion is possible (and even likely I would say).

Beside the very high number of uses, I see nothing on the property saying it shouldn't be use on/for disambig items.

EncycloPetey (talkcontribs)

But YOU said they were obviously different. How can you say "obviously they are different" and "confusion is possible (and even likely I would say)"? Those two statement are at odds with each other. I say it's unlikely that an "instance of" a Wikimedia disambiguation page would be confused with any other kind of "instance of".

2001:7D0:81FD:BC80:99A5:ED9B:C56D:BB3D (talkcontribs)

Ambiguous labels are very common. I believe this alone can confuse only users who are entirely careless and don't bother to check even description or any basic statement. To other users such use of P1889, interlinking all items having the same label in any language, is probably just noise.

As discussed earlier, some P1889 links to disambigation pages are probably justified, namely in items of given names/surnames (see Topic:Wfha67wwl1prtfjk). Of these 245 444 items, majority (158 204 items) are such items. Large part of the rest probably results from mechanical batch editing, as such is the case for Matlin's edits, lacking any assessment if invdidual item is actually confused with a disambiguation page.

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