Global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol


During the Sixty-third session of the World Health Assembly, held in Geneva in May 2010, the 193 Member States of WHO reached an historical consensus on a global strategy to reduce the harmful use of alcohol by adopted resolution WHA63.13. The adopted resolution and endorsed strategy gives guidance to both Member States and to the WHO Secretariat on ways to reduce the harmful use of alcohol.

The vision behind the global strategy is improved health and social outcomes for individuals, families and communities, with considerably reduced morbidity and mortality due to harmful use of alcohol and their ensuing social consequences. It is envisaged that the global strategy will promote and support local, regional and global actions to prevent and reduce the harmful use of alcohol.

The global strategy aims to give guidance for action at all levels; to set priority areas for global action; and to recommend a portfolio of policy options and measures that could be considered for implementation and adjusted as appropriate at the national level, taking into account national circumstances, such as religious and cultural contexts, national public health priorities, as well as resources, capacities and capabilities.

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For queries about the global strategy to reduce harmful use of alcohol:

Dr. Vladimir Poznyak

Management of Substance Abuse
Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Tel: +41 22 791 43 07
Fax: +41 22 791 48 51
Email: [email protected] 


World Health Organization
Number of pages
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ISBN: 9789241599931
World Health Organization - All rights reserved