「as plan」とは、予定通り、計画通りという意味である。
「I plan」とは、私は~を計画するというフレーズである。
例文 I plan a family trip for next Saturday and Sunday.私は今度の土日に家族旅行を計画する。
「plan to」とは、予定している、計画している、企画しているという意味である。
If you want to be evaluated by many people, make a feasible plan, not an unreasonable request.
The plan he comes up with are always the same, so he's disliked at work.
It should be noted that no matter how good the plan may be, if the budget is insufficient, it will end up being a futile effort.
When making a travel plan, it is good not only to listen to the opinions of your companions, but also to allow some leeway in your itinerary.
I plan a one-week trip to Australia with a college friend.
In order to prevent the plan from being derailed in the middle, it is important to gather knowledgeable people in the company and exchange opinions.
Putting a plan into action sometimes requires energy and physical strength.
In order to prevent accidents during mountain climbing, it is necessary to submit a mountain climbing plan, as well as cooperate with each other and act so that the descent can be completed before the sun goes down.
If you live in an area where damage such as tsunamis or floods is expected, it would be a good idea not only to make an evacuation plan in case of an emergency, but also to participate in the drills of the local government.
There are many things in the world that do not go according to plan.
I created a plan to share problems among members of a university seminar.
At first glance, this seems like a good plan, but it is too vague and needs improvement.
We will be handing out a plan for the graduation ceremony, so please make sure to check the arrangements for the awarding of diplomas and the chorus before the next rehearsal.
「plan」とは、名詞で計画、構想、図面、やり方を意味する。動詞として使われる場合は、~を計画する、立案する、設計図を書くという意味になる。過去形と過去分詞はともに「planned」である。動名詞では「plan on ~ing」の形になる。「plan」の発音・読み方
「as plan」とは
「as plan」とは、予定通り、計画通りという意味である。
「I plan」とは
「I plan」とは、私は~を計画するというフレーズである。
例文 I plan a family trip for next Saturday and Sunday.私は今度の土日に家族旅行を計画する。
「plan to」とは
「plan to」とは、予定している、計画している、企画しているという意味である。
We still have small children, so when we travel, we have to make reasonable plan.私たちにはまだ小さな子供がいるので、旅行する時は無理のない計画を立てなければなりません。
If you want to be evaluated by many people, make a feasible plan, not an unreasonable request.
The plan he comes up with are always the same, so he's disliked at work.
It should be noted that no matter how good the plan may be, if the budget is insufficient, it will end up being a futile effort.
When making a travel plan, it is good not only to listen to the opinions of your companions, but also to allow some leeway in your itinerary.
I plan a one-week trip to Australia with a college friend.
In order to prevent the plan from being derailed in the middle, it is important to gather knowledgeable people in the company and exchange opinions.
Putting a plan into action sometimes requires energy and physical strength.
In order to prevent accidents during mountain climbing, it is necessary to submit a mountain climbing plan, as well as cooperate with each other and act so that the descent can be completed before the sun goes down.
If you live in an area where damage such as tsunamis or floods is expected, it would be a good idea not only to make an evacuation plan in case of an emergency, but also to participate in the drills of the local government.
There are many things in the world that do not go according to plan.
I created a plan to share problems among members of a university seminar.
At first glance, this seems like a good plan, but it is too vague and needs improvement.
We will be handing out a plan for the graduation ceremony, so please make sure to check the arrangements for the awarding of diplomas and the chorus before the next rehearsal.
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