2. The boke made a silly mistake, and the audience roared with laughter.(ボケが馬鹿げた間違いをし、観客は大笑いした。)
3. The boke's strange behavior made the straight man's job easy.(ボケの奇妙な行動はツッコミ役の仕事を容易にした。)
4. The boke role requires a good sense of timing and humor.(ボケ役は、タイミングとユーモアのセンスが必要だ。)
5. The boke and the straight man have a good chemistry.(ボケとツッコミは良い相性を持っている。)
6. The boke's actions are always unpredictable.(ボケの行動は常に予測不可能だ。)
7. The boke always makes the audience laugh with his silly mistakes.(ボケはいつも馬鹿げた間違いで観客を笑わせる。)
8. The boke is the one who sets up the joke, and the straight man delivers the punchline.(ボケはジョークをセットアップし、ツッコミがオチを出す。)
9. The boke's role is to create a funny situation, and the straight man's role is to point it out.(ボケの役割は面白い状況を作り出し、ツッコミの役割はそれを指摘することだ。)
10. The boke often plays the fool to make the audience laugh.(ボケはよく道化を演じて観客を笑わせる。)
"Boke" is a term often used in Japanese comedy, generally referring to "playing the fool" or "the fool role". This term is used in comedy formats such as manzai and skits, where one partner intentionally makes mistakes or behaves strangely. The other partner, known as the "straight man", points out these mistakes or strange behaviors, making the audience laugh.「Boke」の類語
1. He always plays the boke in their comedy duo.(彼はいつも彼らのコメディーデュオでボケ役を演じる。)2. The boke made a silly mistake, and the audience roared with laughter.(ボケが馬鹿げた間違いをし、観客は大笑いした。)
3. The boke's strange behavior made the straight man's job easy.(ボケの奇妙な行動はツッコミ役の仕事を容易にした。)
4. The boke role requires a good sense of timing and humor.(ボケ役は、タイミングとユーモアのセンスが必要だ。)
5. The boke and the straight man have a good chemistry.(ボケとツッコミは良い相性を持っている。)
6. The boke's actions are always unpredictable.(ボケの行動は常に予測不可能だ。)
7. The boke always makes the audience laugh with his silly mistakes.(ボケはいつも馬鹿げた間違いで観客を笑わせる。)
8. The boke is the one who sets up the joke, and the straight man delivers the punchline.(ボケはジョークをセットアップし、ツッコミがオチを出す。)
9. The boke's role is to create a funny situation, and the straight man's role is to point it out.(ボケの役割は面白い状況を作り出し、ツッコミの役割はそれを指摘することだ。)
10. The boke often plays the fool to make the audience laugh.(ボケはよく道化を演じて観客を笑わせる。)
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