Data is commonly considered as a new kind of fuel powering economical, cultural and societal changes. From e-governance to smart cities, many examples can be found to argue for the value of open and connected data. By turning the Web into a data publishing platform Linked Data is a key enabling technology for this.
It has yet to be kept in mind that as of 2012 65% of the world does not have access to the Web and are thus deprived from Linked Data. Furthermore is this population sorely in need for the changes data-driven societies benefit from.
This community group is there to discuss some important questions such as:
* How can development related data be published as Linked Data?
* What kind of data is out there and what is relevant to drive societal changes in underprivileged countries?
* How can those without Web access can consume open data set published as Linked Open Data?
* How can the Linked Data principles be revised to be applicable in Web-less contexts?
This group will not publish Specifications.
Group's public email, repo and wiki activity over time
Note: Community Groups are proposed and run by the community. Although W3C hosts these
conversations, the groups do not necessarily represent the views of the W3C Membership or staff.
This group has seen a low level of activity since its creation. We think that this may be due to a lack of more exact scope. After having discussed this with the W3C staff (kudos to them for the help!) we thus decided to update the description of the group to better scope what we will all be doing with it. Namely:
Discuss the relation between Linked Data and people living in Developing Countries (What data they produce/consume ? How can they do it ? …) and share relevant datasets/software/ideas;
Use the forum to provide (commercial) help to each other. There is a large number of individuals and companies that do something around the question of Development Linked Data. This forum can be used for match-making activities;
We will not aim at producing specifications.
We hope this “new” DLD will better fit the needs and expectation of everyone in it. If not please feel free to reply back to this post with your own view. Also feel free to invite more people to join, the more we are on this group the more lively discussions will be π
This is a short post to invite you to come to two open development related events on the 8th, 9th and 10th of October 2014 in Amsterdam:
October 8th: “Downscale2014“, the third edition of the workshop on downscaling the semantic web. This is a free event organised by the team at WorldWideSemanticWeb. The program will be built during the coming weeks from input proposed by the participants. The outcome of this day will be presented during ODC.
October 9th and 10th: “OpenDevelopmentCamp (ODC)”, is the 4th edition of a forum for discussion organised by the people from Open For Change. The program is already packed with great keynote speakers and the event has the support of major development related organisations.
We hope you’ll be able to attend these events and look forward too seeing many of you in Amsterdam soon! π
Reviewers required :Β jQuery 2.0 Development Cookbook
– free e-copy will be provided
Packt is looking for people interested in reviewing the book jQuery 2.0 Development Cookbook – on their blog/ amazon. If interested, please let me know at β or leave a comment
Following the feedback we received for the World Wide Semantic Web community (thanks!!!), Victor and I thought it would be good to re-design the web site…
We hope you’ll enjoy it and we’re looking forward to your feedback. As for any website, the hardest part is to get more content in so don’t hesitate to ping me if you want to get edits rights to help filling up the pages.
If I have an aligned ontology in my hand that corresponds to a RDF graph in Jena, how can I issue SPARQL query to the RDF store through Jena such that inferences will be made with respect to the supplied ontology?(i.e my ontology file and RDF files are seperate, but I would like to use the knowledge in ontology for any SPARQL queries issued through Jena)