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Main Page
Please see http://www.w3.org/community/egovernance/ and http://www.w3.org/community/opengov/
eGovernment Interest Group
- Group Charter is here
- Old page is here
- This group is open any member of the public free of charge and without formal membership in the W3C. To join follow instructions.
- Group Chairs:
- Jeanne Holm, U.S. General Services Administration and NASA, jeanne.m.holm at jpl.nasa.gov
- Tomasz Janowski, United Nations University, tj at iist.unu.edu
- W3C Contacts:
- Sandro Hawke, sandro at w3.org
- Phil Archer, phila at w3.org
Since June 2012 the group meets every other week via teleconference:
- Atlantic meetings - every fourth Friday at 0800–0930 Los Angeles time
- Eurasian meetings - every fourth Monday at 0900–1030 London time
In order to join the meetings you must login to the W3C Internet Relay Chat (see IRC) and dial to the W3C conference bridge (see Zakim):
- Login to IRC channel #egov and choose a recognizable name
- Dial to +1-617-761-6200 using standard phone or skype, and type in the conference code 3468#
Make sure that the conference bridge recognizes you so that we know who is on the call:
- If you call in using a phone and you joined a W3C conference bridge before, Zakim will recognize you.
- If Zakim doesn't recognize you, you will see a version of your number on screen ending in aaaa, or aabb etc. and ??P1 on skype. Meeting organizers will be able to help you associate your IRC name and your phone line.
- Please contact the group chairs with proposals for about 15 minute-long presentations.
- The proposals should include: 1) title, 2) description, 3) speaker name and 4) speaker affiliation.
- The chairs will confirm and schedule your presentation, or put it into the presenter queue and schedule later.
- A day before the scheduled meeting, please upload your slides here (5MB maximum file size, preferably in PDF) and send the link to the chairs.
- The slides should contain numbers and you should refer to them when presenting.
- Type q+ into IRC if you want to ask a question or express a comment. The chair will give you an opportunity to speak at the earliest convenient time.
- Type 61# into IRC if you want to mute your line (block it from being heard on the conference) and type 60# to unmute.
- Please speak clearly. The group is very international with many non-native speakers and people who don't know each other.
- Scribing involves capturing live the content of the meetings in IRC.
- Please volunteer to scribe. Your contribution will be recognized.
- If you think a point has been missed by the scribe, please enter it.
- If what you said has been mis-scribed, please change it.
Upcoming Meetings
Please visit the opinion poll and cast your vote on the next topics to be discussed during the forthcoming W3C EGOV Interest Group meetings.
- 10 June 2013 0900-1030 London time
- TOPIC - Creating Socio-Economic Impact with EGOV
- 28 June 2013 0800-0930 Los Angeles time
- TOPIC - Creating Socio-Economic Impact with EGOV
- 8 July 2013 0900-1030 London time: cancelled
- 26 July 2013 0800-0930 Los Angeles time
- 5 August 2013 0900-1030 London time
- 23 August 2013 0800-0930 Los Angeles time
- 2 September 2013 0900-1030 London time
- 20 September 2013 0800-0930 Los Angeles time
- 30 September 2013 0900-1030 London time
- 18 October 2013 0800-0930 Los Angeles time
- 28 October 2013 0900-1030 London time
- 15 November 2013 0800-0930 Los Angeles time
- 25 November 2013 0900-1030 London time
- 13 December 2013 0800-0930 Los Angeles time
- 23 December 2013 0900-1030 London time
Past Meetings
- 13 May 2013 0900-1030 London time
- TOPIC - EGOV for Transparency and Accountability
- Transparency: Some Inconvenient Thoughts, Frank Bannister, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
- The Danish Approach to eService Take-up and Inclusion, Morten Meyerhoff Nielsen, Danish Agency for Digitization, Ministry of Finance, Denmark
- Government e-Transformation in Moldova, Vision and Achievements, Stela Mocan, e-Government Center, State Chancellery, Moldova
- 5 April 2013 0800-0930 Los Angeles time
- TOPIC - Open Government Data 10 - Summary
- Open Government Data for Economical and Institutional Transparency, Martin Murillo, IEEE
- Open Data in the United States, Jeanne Holm, Evangelist, Data.gov
- Open Government Data - W3C Discussion Summary, Jeanne Holm, Evangelist, Data.gov
- 18 March 2013 0900-1030 London time
- TOPIC - Open Government Data 9 - Summary
- Open Government Data in Uganda, Julius Torach, National Information Technology Authority, Uganda
- Open Government Data - W3C Discussion Summary, Tomasz Janowski, United Nations University
- 8 March 2013 0800-0930 Los Angeles time
- TOPIC - Open Government Data 8
- Open Government Data in Colombia, Government Online, Johanna Pimiento Quintero, Ministry of ICT, Colombia
- Parliamentary Transparency, Not only Open Data, Pierre Andrews, University of São Paulo, Brazil
- Lessons From International Open Data Day in Accra, Edwin Opare
- 18 February 2013 0900-1030 London time
- TOPIC - Open Government Data 7
- Open Government Data: India, National Informatics Centre, Government of India, Neeta Verma
- Transforming Social Media Data into Linked Enterprise Government Data Asset for Tracking Public Policy and Services, Mohammad Waqar, Digital Enterprise Research Institute, Ireland
- 8 February 2013 0800-0930 Los Angeles time
- TOPIC - Open Government Data 6
- How Linked Data is Transforming eGovernment, Nikos Loutas slides are here
- Open Data at the World Bank and Developing Countries, Tariq Khokhar slides are here
- 21 January 2013 0900-1030 London time
- TOPIC - Open Government Data 5
- Open Government Information and Data in New Zealand (Keitha Booth)
- From 0 to 5 Cities - Open Data in Taiwan (TH Schee)
- Research on US Federal Government Handling of Data (Brand Niemann)
- 11 January 2013 0800-0930 Los Angeles time
- TOPIC - Open Government Data 4
- eGov announcements, call for speakers, and conferences (Jeanne Holm)
- Open-Source Platforms Options for Open Data Publishing (Andrew Hoppin)
- A Wiki for Executable Open Vocabulary English (Adrian Walker)
- 14 December 2012 0800-0930 Los Angeles time
- TOPIC - Open Government Data 3
- The DATA Act (Hudson Hollister)
- Creating Visualizations Using Linked Government Data (Alvaro Graves)
- Community Directory coordination with Linked Data Group
- Scribe: Gwyn Sutherlin
- 26 November 2012 0900-1030 London time
- TOPIC - Open Government Data 2
- Value of Open Government Data (Tomasz Janowski)
- Open Knowledge Foundation (Rufus Pollock) Slides
- Openness and Reuse of Public Sector Information using Open Data Publishing, Decree (Serafin Olcoz)
- Government Information Sharing Framework (Elsa Estevez)
- Call for Contributors to W3C EGOV IG Note on the Use of Social Media by Governments (Daniel Bennett)
- Call for Speakers on Open Government Data (Tomasz Janowski)
- 16 November 2012 0800-0930 Los Angeles time
- TOPIC - Open Government Data 1
- Open Data Kickoff (Jeanne Holm)
- 2012 TPAC Overview (Bernadette Hyland)
- TPAC 2012: Liberté and the Open Web Platform
- TPAC 2012: 4 days of Open Web Standards & Nouvelle Cuisine
- OpenColorado (Brian Gryth)
- Plans for Summarizing eGov Discussions (Daniel Bennett)
- Call for session on open data at WWW 2013 (Jeanne Holm)
- 29 October 2012
- TOPIC - Social Media Use by Government 5
- The Use of Social Media in Taiwan, TH Schee, FERTTA Communications
- A timeline is provided of all the open data development in Taiwan has been provided (English version soon)
- Presentation is here.
- Social Media at NASA, Jeanne Holm, NASA/JPL
- Summary of previous 3 months of key social media uses by governments and best practices (Jeanne): A list of best practices, suggestions, and examples will be posted on the wiki and presented. We encourage everyone to add more. This will serve as a template for the other topics we'll be covering as well
- Draft summary for discussion and comment is here.
- Brainstorm ideas for the community directory project. What information should we share, how to document, how to maintain
- Recommendations for open data discussions and speakers for the next few months
- The Use of Social Media in Taiwan, TH Schee, FERTTA Communications
- Minutes
- 19 October 2012
- TOPIC - Social Media Use by Government 4
- The Use of Social Media in Taiwan, TH Schee, FERTTA Communications
- A timeline is provided of all the open data development in Taiwan has been provided (English version soon)
- Presentation is here.
- Social Media at NASA, Jeanne Holm, NASA/JPL
- Summary of previous 3 months of key social media uses by governments and best practices (Jeanne): A list of best practices, suggestions, and examples will be posted on the wiki and presented. We encourage everyone to add more. This will serve as a template for the other topics we'll be covering as well
- Draft summary for discussion and comment is here.
- Brainstorm ideas for the community directory project. What information should we share, how to document, how to maintain
- Recommendations for open data discussions and speakers for the next few months
- The Use of Social Media in Taiwan, TH Schee, FERTTA Communications
- 3 September 2012
- TOPIC - Social Media Use by Government 3
- Omani Government Experience with Social Media, Noor Ali Al-hinai, Information Technology Authority, Oman
- Government Use of Media in China: Incentives, Enablers and Barriers, Lei Zheng, Fudan University, China
- NZ Government Social Media Guidance, Jared Gulian, Office of the Government CIO, New Zealand
- 24 August 2012 0800-0930 Los Angeles time
- TOPIC - Social Media Use by Government 2
- DECIDE 2.0 – Intelligent Processing of Citizen Opinions in Social Media, Carlos Iván Chesñevar, National University of the South, Argentina
- Social Media in Government, Soon Ae Chun, City University of New York, USA
- Social Media Terms of Services for Government, Social Media Registry, Deploying Social Media Services Across Government, Rachel Flagg, General Services Administration, USA
- 6 August 2012 0900-1030 London time
- TOPIC - Social Media Use by Government 1
- Social Media Use by Government of India, Neeta Verma, National Informatics Center, India
- Using Social Media for Data Science and Journalism, Brand Niemann, Semantic Community
- eParticipation and Transport Management: Galway Transport Forum, Lukasz Porwol, DERI, Ireland
- Singapore eGovernment & eEngagement, Lark Yang Tan, IDA International, Singapore
- 9 July 2012 0900-1030 London time
- Welcome and introductions (Tomasz and All)
- W3C EGOV Interest Group Draft Roadmap, Tomasz Janowski and Jeanne Holm
- Discussion on the draft roadmap (All)
- Next steps (Tomasz)
- 29 June 2012 0800-0930 Los Angeles time
- W3C EGOV Interest Group Draft Roadmap, Jeanne Holm and Tomasz Janowski
- 21 February 2012 9:00 - 10:30 US Eastern
- Policy-Driven EGOV - A Context for EGOV at W3C?, Tomasz Janowski, United Nations University
- 24 January 2012 1400-1530 GMT
- Announcements (W3C)
- Platforms for open data
- CKAN (open source data portal software): http://ckan.org/ (James Gardner (http://ckan.org/author/thejimmyg/) , CKAN)
- Open Government Platform: http://www.data.gov/opengovplatform (Chris Musialek and Jeanne Holm, Data.gov)
- Discussion on other platforms
- Pros and cons for open source vs. proprietary
- Best practices (All)
- Announcements (All)
- 20 December 2011 22:00-23:30 GMT
- How and Why to Use CC Legal Tools for PSI, Timothy Vollmer and Sarah Hinchliff Pearson
- auPSI Presentations
- 31 October - 1 November 2011 9:00 to 17:00 Pacific Time
- PLACE - Santa Clara Marriott, Santa Clara, California, (Silicon Valley) USA, part of W3C TPAC
- In the spirit of making the Lego envisioning experiment 4 star linked data, we offer F2F4-Lego-Modeling that convey images of what the participants feel conveyed elements of the government Linked Data effort.
- 18 October 2011 0900-1030 Eastern
- Focus on preparation for 31 October to 1 November meeting in Santa Clara, CA
- Opportunity for leadership! Select 2-3 areas for near-term focus and seek leaders to help on each (such as policy, accessibility, or list of resources)
- Draft agenda published at http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/F2F4
- 20 September 2011 0900-1030 US Eastern
- Summary of goals and objectives from first meeting
- Briefing and discussion on OGLD WG status and priorities (George Thomas and Bernadette Hyland—confirmed)
- Opportunity for leadership! Select 2-3 areas for near-term focus and seek leaders to help on each (such as policy, accessibility, or list of resources)
- Draft agenda for October 31-November 1 TPAC meeting in Santa Clara, California
- 30 August 2011 9:00 -10:30 US Eastern
- Welcome and overview
- Introductions and areas of interest
- Charter summary (see http://www.w3.org/egov/IG/charter-2011)
- Open discussion for goals and outcomes (each person to contribute)
- Announcement of TPAC on October 31-November 2 (see http://www.w3.org/2011/11/TPAC/)
- Future meetings on third Tuesday of each month
- Next steps
In order to fulfill the mission of the group “to build and strengthen the community of people who use or promote the use of W3C technologies to improve Government" and to facilitate its efforts to "identify and discuss essential areas of technology and related policy issues", we put forward a draft roadmap to organize and guide our discussions.
We welcome feedback and comments from all members on this draft.
The discussions last year identified six focal area candidates:
- government data,
- accessibility,
- social media,
- community directory,
- education and outreach and
- data licensing
along with other suggested areas:
- cloud computing,
- MathML,
- HTML5 and Web Application Platform,
- privacy and security, and
- eGov library
The aim of the roadmap is to organize the discussions on these and any emerging areas of interest to the group along a set of questions.
The questions about e-government (EGOV) are organized along the following four dimensions:
- the mechanics of e-government (HOW),
- e-government value proposition (WHY),
- localization of e-government (WHERE) and
- e-government definition (WHAT).
The questions may concern EGOV as a whole, or particular focal areas within EGOV.
EGOV Mechanics (HOW)
- What are the areas involved in EGOV research and practice?
- What is the process by which EGOV can be developed and maintained?
- What principles, methods and tools are applied in different steps of this process?
- What are the main stages in the EGOV policy cycle?
- Planning - law and regulations, strategy development, strategy alignment, funding arrangements, readiness assessment, policy development, action plans, partner management, stakeholder, leadership, coordination, etc.
- Design - interoperability, enterprise architecture, standards and best practices, agency collaboration, information-sharing, one-stop government, connected governance, agile government, multi-channel delivery, innovation systems, etc.
- Implementation - acquisition, procurement, technical infrastructure, electronic public services, service middleware, services and applications, negotiation and contracts, new technology adoption, project management, program management, organizational change, etc.
- Operation - service agreements, monitoring, software maintenance, adoption and scale-up, access and accessibility, digital content, digital rights, digital divide, benefit management, risk management, performance management, etc.
- Sustainability - measurement, monitoring and evaluation, knowledge management, capacity building, institutionalization, etc.
EGOV Value Proposition (WHY)
- What benefits are expected from EGOV?
- How can EGOV help pursue public policy objectives?
- Different measures (how) for different ends (why)?
- What policy areas are most affected?
- What experiences exist?
EGOV Localization (WHERE)
- How the does the EGOV value proposition reflect:
- local policy objectives,
- local implementation conditions,
- level of maturity in eGovernment implementation,
- level of socio-economic development in the country, state or territory,
- language and cultural identify?
- What is the process of developing and maintaining such locally-owned EGOV value propositions?
- How to transfer successful experiences (HOW) from one policy context to another (WHY)?
- What experiences exist with such transfers?
EGOV Foundations (WHAT)
The foundations include the nature, definition and conceptualization of EGOV. According to the official W3C definition "eGovernment is the use of the Web and other information technologies by governments to interact with the citizenry, between departments and divisions, and with other governments".
The group could consider whether this definition reflects the current understanding and practice in EGOV and if not, suggest an update. However, this should not be done casually. Rather than addressing the fundamental questions of definitions and conceptualizations at the beginning of the discussion, it is important to build the insight and understanding about the mechanics (how) and value proposition (why) of EGOV first.
Discussions will involve applying relevant questions to themes.
For example:
- What benefits are expected from the introduction of social media to the EGOV practice?
- What policy areas are most affected?
- What is the process of introducing social media to the EGOV practice?
- What principles, methods are tools are applied in different steps of this process?
- How does the introduction of social media to the EGOV practice reflect local policy objectives, level of EGOV maturity and level of socio-economic development?
- How to transfer successful experiences in introducing social media to the EGOV practice between different policy contexts?
- What research is required to learn from and guide the introduction of social media to the EGOV practice?
Members of the group will be invited to contribute to implementing this roadmap by:
- formulating new questions and themes,
- reformulating existing questions and themes,
- offering answers to existing questions and themes,
- building relationships between questions and themes,
- synthesizing and concluding answers and themes and others.
Co-chairs will moderate the discussions.
Conference calls will be organized every two weeks - one for the Eurasian and another for the Atlantic time zones, in order to:
- synthesize the contributions made by the members of the interest group across a number of discussions active during the past month;
- host presentations by invited speakers on the topics of interest to one or more of the current discussions,
- complementing the synthesis and focused on linking different themes;
- discuss, in view of the synthesis and insights gained from the presentations, the conclusion and closure of existing discussions, opening of the new discussions, and inputs to existing ones; and
- propose invited speakers and presentation topics for the next conference call – an open call for presenters will be issued with emphasis on the topics that connect two or more of the current discussions.
Upon completion of the major discussions, technical notes will be prepared to document the progress made, including updates to the document "Improving Access to Government through Better Use of the Web".
All members are invited to insert their comments on this roadmap directly on the wiki page, or send an email to Jeanne or Tomasz who will consolidate the comments.
Case Studies
Evaluative and exploratory cases to support the work above EGov Procurement