This Interest Group is now closed: its official charter expired on the 31st of March, 2008. Note, however, that some of the activities started by this Interest Group have not been stopped, but go on independently instead. These are:
) if you want to submit a new entry to that list; you may want to consult the general description on
, with public archives). See the archives for subscription
, with public archives) has been converted into a general mailing list for Semantic Web related education and outreach issues. See the archives for subscription information.The Semantic Web Education and Outreach (SWEO) Interest Group has been established to develop strategies and materials to increase awareness among the Web community of the need and benefit for the Semantic Web, and educate the Web community regarding related solutions and technologies.
The scope of SWEO group includes:
SWEO wishes to encourage developers to come together to work on some Semantic Web projects. This rally has the goal of using our collective input to generating real running code, that can help us to demonstrate the value of the Semantic Web to a wide user base. More information is available on the Community Projects Wiki page.
The minutes of the first face-to-face meeting (held in Burlington, MA, US) are now public. Read the minutes to see the direction in which the group plans to focus its activities.
The (first) face to face meeting of the Semantic Web Education and Outreach Interest Group takes place between November 14 and 15, 2006, in Burlington, MA, USA, hosted by Oracle. Members of the interest group may register for the meeting using the registration form; the agenda of the meeting is also publicly available.
W3C is pleased to announce the launch of this Interest Group, chaired by Susie Stephens (Oracle). The group is is chartered to collect proof-of-concept business cases, demonstration prototypes, etc, based on successful implementations of Semantic Web technologies, collect user experiences, develop and facilitate community outreach strategies, training and educational resources.
The group will hold its first face-to-face meeting mid November in the Boston area in the US. A separate announcement will follow including registration information.