Find the most frequently asked questions and their answers at

Frequently Asked Questions

What is this website for?

Under which license are the vogella tutorials published?

Can we get consulting, development or educational support?

I found an error or have a problem with one of the tutorials from vogella. What can I do?

Can you please help me for free with a question which is not related to your tutorials?

What is this website for?

We believe in acquiring and distributing knowledge. Therefore this website provides you with tutorials about Java, Android and Eclipse programming. We as a company also offer consulting and training services to help you.

Under which license are the vogella tutorials published?

If not marked otherwise, all source code published here on this website is distributed under the EPL 2.0. All other content is published under the CC-BY-SA-NC 3.0 DE terms. See the legal page for details on the terms of reuse and contact the vogella GmbH sales department if you want to reuse the material for commercial purposes.

Can we get consulting, development or educational support?

Yes. Please see our training website.

I found an error or have a problem with one of the tutorials from vogella. What can I do?

Please contact us and describe the error (if possible mention a possible correction). We may require some time to answer, but we are very happy about constructive feedback.

Why is not all content freely available?

Well, well, good question. Why do we have to pay in our life? Why do we have to pay rent, pay for food, education and all tihs?

On a more serious note, we try to publish as much as possible as free content. But we also want to provide a way to support our customer directly with enhanced content, videos and questions. And we need to charge for this support.

Can you please help me for free with a question which is not related to your tutorials?

As a rule of thumb we don't respond to questions if they are not related to vogella tutorials. The reason is that we don't have the time.

We suggest that you use the relevant Java forums, mailing lists or newsgroups. For example, if you are looking for help in Eclipse, the Eclipse forums have many resources for people interested in using and extending Eclipse.

The following are examples for question we tend not to answer:
  • I'm trying to extend your example, but it doesn't work. Can you please help me?
  • I'm trying to do something similar to your example, but it doesn't work. Can you please help me?
  • I'm trying something (which is not part of your tutorials), but it doesn't work. Can you please help me?
  • I would like to do something (which is not part of your tutorials). Can you please tell me how?

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