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December 11, 2014

Makeover Monday (on Thursday): How one of the richest teams in college football makes & spends its money

In late November, Cork Gaines of Business Insider wrote about how the University of Alabama football team makes and spends its money. The two articles were accompanied by these two pie charts:

There are many issues with these charts:
  1. They are pie charts, which makes comparing the slices difficult.
  2. The slices are not labeled with the amount, so I have to make some guesses as to their contribution to the whole and then multiply that by the total shown in the titles. That's way too much work.
  3. There are categories missing from the source data.
  4. Why are these in two separate articles since they are a related story? Why aren't they combined in a single story?
  5. There's no mention of the profit the football team turns.
I could go on, but I'll stop there. One of the great things Cork does in his articles is link to the source data. This allowed me to download the data from this website and build my own visualization.

NOTE: This is an update of the original chart based on feedback from Nelson Davis. Nelson suggested making the bar sizes relative across the charts, which my first version failed to do.

First, I need to give a special thanks to Emily Kund for reviewing this viz and providing some great feedback. For example, it was her idea to use the Alabama official colors in the viz.  Thanks Em!

In my version of the viz I wanted to:
  1. Bring the revenue and expense data into the same view
  2. Provide a high-level overview, including profit
  3. Rank the categories in descending order, except for "Other", which I prefer to place last in the sort
  4. Include the actual amounts by labeling the bars
Thoughts? Which do you prefer? Why? You can build your own by downloading the Tableau workbook used to create this viz here or view it on Tableau Public here.