Code Of Practice

Virgin Media's Complaint Code of Practice

What is Virgin Media's code of practice for complaint handling?


Delivering exceptional customer service to you is our number one priority. And to help us keep our standards high, we’d ask you to let our customer care team know if we fail to meet your expectations at any time. We will work with you to resolve any query to your satisfaction. Our code of practice includes all Virgin Media services.


What is a complaint?


The definition from the Commission for Communications Regulation (‘ComReg’), a complaint means:

‘Complaint’ means an issue raised by an end-user to an undertaking relating to that undertakings product or service or its complaints handling process where the issue remains unresolved following an initial attempt by the undertaking to resolve it or where there has been no attempt by the undertaking to resolve it and the end-user expresses dissatisfaction, through one of the channels set out in the code of practice, that the issue remains unresolved.


What does this mean to you?


Talk to us first

If you have any issues or queries about our products and services, your first point of contact will be with our customer care team. They are fully equipped to resolve your query; we aim to do this as quickly as possible and to your satisfaction. Our customer care agents can be reached on the phone or by Live Chat on our website, or through our social media channels.


Our Customer Care team are available Monday to Saturday 9am to 6pm.  


Call us on Freephone 1908


Next Steps


If however you have already contacted our Customer Care Team, and believe your query has not bee resolved to your satisfaction you are welcome to raise a complaint.


How to register a complaint?


You can raise a complaint here


Call us on Freephone 1908


Or you can write to our Complaints Team at:


Virgin Media
Complaints Team,

Virgin Media

Limerick Enterprise
Development Park,

Roxboro Road,



Please provide your account number, address and phone number and email address so that we can contact you as soon as possible.


How we record your complaint.


Once Virgin Media have received your complaint, we will contact you to confirm:

Receipt of the complaint

The timeframe for resolving your complaint

A unique reference number for the complaint. If you have any queries on your complaint, please quote this number. We will record this number on our system for tracking purposes and we will reference it in any communication to you relating to the complaint.


Resolving your complaint


The quickest way to resolve a complaint is over the phone, but if you prefer a response in writing, just let us know. Where possible, we will try to resolve your complaint during our initial phone call. We aim to acknowledge your complaint within 2 working days, and will work with you to resolve your grievance as quickly as possible (and within a maximum of 10 working days). If we cannot resolve the matter within a reasonable time frame, we will then agree a mutually acceptable way forward.


Please note that if you wish you can also contact the industry regulator Comreg regarding this complaint if it has not been resolved after ten working days, the contact details are [email protected]


Escalating your Complaint


Our goal is to resolve the complaint to your complete satisfaction.You are entitled to request an escalation of your issue to a team manager if the complaint is not settled as per your expectations. A manager may be available to speak to you immediately or they may call you back at a time that best suits.
We would appreciate it if you could let us know which daytime and evening contact numbers work best for you in the event that a manager has to call you back.

If, after speaking to the team manager, you still feel that we have not dealt with your complaint appropriately, a Senior Manager can intervene. He or she will review your grievance and respond accordingly. We will also take your feedback on board so that we can learn how to solve such queries more efficiently and deliver even better customer experience.


Refund Process


Where a refund may be due in relation to an issue raised in your complaint, you can request that this be considered as part of the resolution of your complaint. A refund will be applied as a credit on your account or paid by cheque where applicable. Our agents will work through it with you and determine, based on the circumstances of the case, whether a refund is appropriate