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How to get more views in Content Warning

Looking to go viral on SpookTube? Here’s how you and your crew can get more views in Content Warning.

The player looks at another player holding a flare while on the home world in Content Warning
Image credit: Landfall Games

Content Warning took Steam by storm when it launched for free during its first 24 hours, and it’s plain to see why it was such a hit. You, your crew, and your video camera are sent to a treacherous world to capture scary content, with your goal being internet stardom. But exactly how do you get more views in Content Warning?

Well, you have to provide plenty of content, of course. Content that’s spooky but varied, with plenty of chatter or blood-curdling screams from your crew. In this guide, we’ve listed some tips to help you get more views in Content Warning.

How to get more views in Content Warning

There are a few things that players can try in an attempt to get more views and go viral in Content Warning, and believe it or not, there’s more to being a SpookTube content creator than simply filming monsters.

Speak to your viewers

While recording, you should be making plenty of noise for your viewers. I don’t mean screaming mindlessly, which will no doubt occur anyway, but be sure to talk to your viewers about what you’re doing and seeing rather than silently filming.

And this goes without saying, but make sure that you and your crewmates are on camera, whether it's being attacked by monsters or having a chat in ‘selfie mode’. Viewers want to see you being entertaining just as much as the creepy stuff!

The player uses the projector on the home world to record an intro in Content Warning
Don't forget to make the most of this projector. | Image credit: Landfall Games/VG247

Film intros, outros, and creepy items

Each day, you get the chance to record 90 seconds of footage. This isn’t a long time in the grand scheme of things, but it is plenty of time to actually give your video a beginning and ending.

So, make sure to record both intros and outros for your videos where possible, even if it's merely a few second clip of your crew boarding the Dive Bell or returning home after a hospital trip, it’s something! There’s also a projector in your home world to the left of the Dive Bell that makes a great backdrop for these moments, so go and make use of it.

Don’t forget to film any creepy items you find while in the Old World, as well as the environment itself. Viewers love monsters, of course, but having a video packed with different things will garner you more viewers.

Use the Boom Mic for additional audio quality

The Boom Mic is a handheld microphone that one player can carry alongside the player who is recording. This item, which is sold under the ‘Gadgets’ tab at the item shop, will improve audio quality for your viewers, bringing more of them to your video.

Donate players for content

We’ve all been there. You’re a few credits off of reaching quota in Lethal Company, and it’s time for one brave crewmate to donate themselves to the cause so that you can sell their body and reach the financial target.

Something similar can be done in Content Warning, where one player can choose to donate themselves for the sake of viral content if they fancy, and it’s worth doing. Filming your crew being attacked, and filming any corpses, can attract more viewers. So, if things are going a little too smoothly in the Old World and you have a quota to urgently reach, it might be time for someone to donate themselves to the nearest monster.

Recover lost footage

Did you know that if you lose the camera while out in the Old World, you can go back and retrieve it? If you and your crew come to an unfortunate end, you can go ahead and retrace your steps the following day to find your previous camera.

Of course, the Dive Bell may take you to a different entrance to the Old World, and the facility will have different traps each day, so it might not be possible to reach your old camera. But, it’s definitely worth trying if you’ve an idea of where your camera went missing.

You can’t record new footage on an old camera, but you can return it home and upload it to SpookTube for some additional views.

Don’t forget about emotes

Last, but not least, don’t neglect the emotes that are available to purchase from the item shop. You can only use one at a time, and they will be reset if you die while in the Old World, but these are great for making your SpookTube upload more engaging for viewers.

Whether it's doing some yoga in your intro, meditating as you arrive home for your outro, or simply hitting a ‘thumbs up’ in front of your friend who is being mauled by a monster, using emotes on camera will attract more viewers.

The player watches their uploaded video and the comments in Content Warning
Comments can be helpful! | Image credit: Landfall Games/VG247

One last tip…

One final tip that I will add is that you should pay attention to the comments on your SpookTube uploads, as these can often give you an idea of what you’re missing and what your viewers want.

If someone says a crew member is too loud, this is a sign that you should maybe purchase a Boom Mic. If another commenter says they like someone's voice, they’re enjoying that moment of discussion! If commenters are talking about monsters and traps, such as lasers, you can assume they enjoyed that footage.

Commenters will clue you in on more than you first think, but ultimately, having a varied video full of content - with better items as you make more money - will rake in viewers.

For more on Content Warning, take a look at our guide to all the monsters you can expect to find in the Old World. On top of that, here’s how video games might have finally nailed horror comedy.

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