Revenue Court Held For Dera’s Residents

Revenue court held for Dera’s residents

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Nov, 2024) The district administration held an open court (Kuli Kacheri) to resolve the revenue-related problems of the residents.

According to the district administration, the forum was conducted on the directions of Deputy Commissioner Dera Ismail Khan, Sarah Rehman.

Additional Deputy Commissioner(ADC) General Adnan Jameel and Assistant Commissioner Headquarters Muhammad Faseeh Ishaq Abbasi chaired the open court.

Speaking on the occasion, the ADC said that the initiative aimed to provide revenue services to the people at their doorstep in a more transparent, and timely manner.

A large number of citizens attended the court and presented their issues, which were heard on the spot. The participants raised a number of issues such as transfers, registration, domicile, and the issuance of Fard (land records).

Immediate instructions were issued to the relevant officials for prompt resolution of these problems.