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Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

Library at the Bruneck-Brunico campus

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano

The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano is located in one of the most fascinating European regions, at the crossroads between the German-speaking and Italian economies and cultures. Its trilingualism in teaching and research, its high level of internationalisation as well as an ideal study environment guaranteed by its excellent facilities are some of the reasons why unibz regularly reaches top positions in national and international rankings.

In the spotlight

Information and in-depth content on research, campus life, and knowledge transfer.

Artificial intelligence Collaboration

unibz in visita alla sede centrale di Cineca

Innovazione e digitalizzazione. Una delegazione composta da accademici e amministrativi è stata rece…

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Economics Sustainability Company

Nelle TOP 100 con Sostenibilità e Innovazione

È online la classifica delle imprese altoatesine sulla base della loro sostenibilità. Intervista con…

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Art Culture

Studium Generale: Vorlesungsreihe zu historischen Gärten & Parkanlagen – Teil 2

Mit dem Sommersemester startet an der unibz die zweite Runde des Vorlesungszyklus der Plattform für …

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To the magazine


We are a niche university. Our programmes and our research are the result of a tight link with our territory. At the same time, our university also has a strong international outlook.

Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences

Design and Art

Economics and Management




Interdisciplinarity and sustainability, together with a local and international focus characterise the scientific research carried out in our five faculties and in the competence centres of unibz. Research is funded both internally and, more recently, also through national and European funding programmes and other sources.

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Our library branches at the three campuses hold more than 320.000 printed books and more than 650.000 e-books. Thanks to their modern facilities and user-oriented policy they count more than half a million visits every year.

Responsibility towards our Territory and Citizens

Besides teaching and research, another fundamental objective of unibz - the so called third mission - is to contribute to the economic, social and cultural development of our territory through collaborations with public institutions and private organisations.

This is made possible by the transfer of technical skills and knowledge, by collaborations with private companies, by a wide range of courses in the field of lifelong learning (JuniorUni, Studium Generale and Senior Student Card) and by partnerships with cultural institutions and events.

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18 Mar - 31 May 2025

Von Schneelöwen und Zugvögeln – Lesung, Werkstattgespräch und Vernissage

Mit Michael Roher, Der mehrfach ausgezeichnete Kinderliteratur-Künstler liest aus seinen Bilderbüchern vor und erzählt im Werkstattgespräch von seinem Schaffen als Illustrator und Autor.

21 Mar - 22 Mar 2025

Diplorama! When Words Fail

Diplorama! 25.1 - Diplorama! is back and we look forward to welcoming you.

24 Mar - 28 Mar 2025

Yoga proben week - Enhance your well-being

The event is aimed at students of unibz and offers practical workshops and an international conference featuring world-renowned experts.
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