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University Police Department

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Crime Statistics Act

This report provides information regarding our compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act.

The "Clery Bill" (H.R.3344, S.1925, and S.1930) was introduced in Congress on September 6, 1989, and was signed into law on November 8, 1990 by President George Bush as Title 2 of the "Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act." The bill was named for Jeanne Clery who was raped and murdered in her dorm room at Lehigh University in 1986. It took effect September 1, 1991 and the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) was charged with enforcing the law. The law requires all institutions of higher education to release campus crime statistics and security policies to their current and prospective students and employees.

The law was amended in 1992 to add a requirement that schools afford the victims of campus sexual assault certain basic rights. Amendments in 1998 added new categories to the crime statistics, an obligation to report statistics for public property in and immediately adjacent to the campus, a geographic breakdown of statistics, and a daily public crime log for schools with a police or security department. The law was also amended to require the DOE to centrally collect the crime statistics and make them publicly available. The 1998 amendments also formally named the law in memory of Jeanne Clery.

On March 7, 2014, President Obama signed a bill that reauthorized the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). Included in the bill was the Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (Campus SaVE) which amends the Clery Act and affords additional rights to campus victims of sexual violence, dating and domestic violence, and stalking.

Clery Act Requirements

Annual Security Report

View Annual Security Report

Schools covered by the Clery Act are required to publish an Annual Security Report (ASR), disclosing their campus' security policies and crime statistics for the previous three years. The Annual Security Report can be viewed at the above link. A paper copy is available on request.

Daily Crime Log

Each institution with a police or security department must have a public crime log. The UPD posts the public crime log in the lobby of the Martin P. Garris Police Building (Building 41).

The UPD completes a log that contains information on all criminal incidents occurring daily on campus. The log is available for inspection in the UPD lobby 24 hours a day.

Campus Security Authorities

CSA Crime and Incident Report Form

Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) are individuals mandated by the Clery Act and those individuals designated by the University of North Florida as having a significant responsibility for students and campus activities. All sworn officers of the UPD are also designated as CSAs. CSAs are required to report any of the above Clery reportable crimes that are brought to their attention to law enforcement. All CSAs are required to receive training regarding their duties. The following positions have been designated as Campus Security Authorities (CSAs):

  • Sworn Police Officers
  • Academic Advisors
  • All Athletics Staff (excluding grounds crews)
  • Counseling Center - Director**
  • Dean of Students and Assistant Dean of Students,
  • Department of Campus Recreation - Directors, Associate Directors, Assistant Directors and Coordinators
  • Student Accessibility Services - Director, Assistant Director, and Coordinator
  • English Language Program - Director, and Coordinator
  • Enrollment Services - All Professional Staff
  • Environmental Health and Safety - Director, Assistant Director, and Coordinator
  • Faculty and Staff traveling with student on University related business (domestic and international travel)
  • Health Promotions - Director, Assistant Director, and Coordinators
  • Housing and Residence Life - All Staff
  • Human Resources - Director of Employee and Labor Relation, and Director of EOD
  • Residence Life Coordinators, and staff who monitor the entrances to residence halls
  • International Center - Director, Associate Director and Coordinators
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Center - Director and Coordinator
  • Military and Veterans Resource Center - Director and Assistant Director
  • Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life -Associate Director and Coordinator
  • On Campus Transition Program - Coordinator
  • Advisors to Registered Student Organizations
  • Student Conduct - University Conduct Officer and Investigator
  • Student Government - Director, Coordinator and Advisors
  • Student Ombudsman
  • Student Orientation Program - Director, Coordinators and Orientation Team Leaders
  • Taylor Leadership Institute - Director
  • Title IX Administrator and Coordinators
  • Women's Center - Director, Victim Advocate, Coordinator and all non-exempt counselors**

** = A person who is licensed or certified as a professional counselor and whose official responsibilities include providing mental health counseling to members of the institution's community and who is functioning within the scope of their license or certification is exempt from the campus security authority reporting requirements.

Timely Warnings

A Clery Act timely warning is used for the purpose of informing the campus community of a crime considered to be a potential ongoing or serious threat to students and employees in an effort to prevent similar crimes from occurring. Whenever a crime is brought to the attention of the University President or his/her designee or the UPD, the crime will be evaluated to determine if a timely warning should be issued. Timely warnings are usually issued for the following Clery reportable crimes: arson, burglary, aggravated assault, criminal homicide, motor vehicle theft, robbery, dating violence, domestic violence, stalking, and sex offenses. Hate crimes that could result in a timely warning being issued include any of the Clery reportable crimes and any type of larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation or destruction/damage/vandalism of property that were motivated by bias. Timely warnings may also be issued for other crimes as deemed appropriate.

Upon receipt of all relevant information, such warnings will, as circumstances warrant, be issued in a manner to best protect the campus community. Options for notification of students, faculty and staff include email, voicemail, on-campus public address system, website (, student newspaper (Spinnaker) or other publications, and news releases to local media as appropriate. The manner in which a timely warning will be distributed will depend on the nature and severity of the incident.

Anyone with information regarding criminal activity that may warrant a timely warning should report the circumstances to the UPD either by telephone at (904) 620-2800 or in person at the UPD's office (building 41)

The content of a timely warning will include specific information about the crime as necessary to fully inform and safeguard the campus community, date/time of incident, location and nature of the crime and crime prevention and safety tips that directly relate to the crime. At no time will a timely warning disclose the name of the victim of a crime unless specific consent is given by the victim and such information is deemed necessary by UPD to safeguard the University community.

Immediate Notification

A Clery immediate notification is issued by the UPD upon confirmation of a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurring on the campus. "Immediate" in this context means an imminent or impending threat. Examples of situations that would warrant immediate notification would include but are not limited to; approaching severe weather, a gas leak, a suspicious package with confirmation of a device, an active shooter on campus, a hazardous materials spill, etc. An emergency notification will contain the appropriate instructions to be followed by students and employees and the portions of the campus affected.

An emergency notification will provide the campus community with all relevant information concerning the emergency or dangerous situation, including appropriate response/evacuation procedures. Such information will be released immediately to the University community unless UPD determines that doing so would compromise efforts to assist a victim or contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency situation.

Collection of Statistics

The U.S. Department of Education collects and publishes the crime statistics. For more information, the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) of the U.S. Department of Education Campus Security Statistics Website is The OPE Campus Security Statistics Website is your direct link to reported criminal offenses for over 6,000 colleges and universities in the United States. If you are thinking of attending college in a large urban city, a small liberal arts college, a specialized college, or a community college you can find their security statistics on their website.

The Department of Education is committed to assisting schools in providing students with a safe environment in which to learn and to keep parents and students well-informed about campus security.

By October 1 of each year, a school that is Title IV eligible is required to publish and distribute an annual campus security report to all current students and employees.

The OPE Campus Security Statistics Website is also linked to the National Center for Education Statistics IPEDS COOL (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System-College Opportunities On-Line) website. The IPEDS COOL website is your way of researching the differences between colleges and how much it costs to attend college.

If you are not sure what colleges you want to see, the OPE Campus Security Statistics Website has the tools to help you search for a college. You can search for a college based on its location, program, size or degree offerings either alone or in combination. The more criteria you specify, the smaller the number of colleges that will fit your criteria. Once you've found some colleges of interest, you can obtain important and understandable security information on all of them.

If a crime has been reported to you but not reported to the University Police Department (UPD); regardless of the location of the incident; please complete the Crime Statistics Report form and return it to the UPD via fax or mail. The form may ask for more detail than you have available; if this is the case, please complete the questionnaire to the best of your ability and if you have questions, a member of the UPD will be glad to assist you.

Your cooperation is appreciated and we thank you in advance for your efforts. If you have any questions, please contact Sergeant Joe Lutz at (904) 620-2364 or [email protected].