Greetings from AAFSA
While the term African American refers to individuals with (Black) African ancestry and American nationality, the AAFSA aims to support the needs of all individuals with Black African ancestry, regardless of nationality.
To develop a supportive network for UNF employees of African descent, provides services that meet their needs, and promotes cultural, educational, fundraising and civic activities in alignment with the academic mission of the University.
To cultivate and enhance the professional network of every UNF employee of African American descent.
- Enhance the university experience for UNF employees of African descent;
- Coordinate activities and programs;
- Promote effective communication throughout the University community to enhance awareness of and support the AAFSA mission;
- Promote networking, collaboration and camaraderie of employees of African descent;
- Affiliate with other organizations and affinity groups (locally, regionally, nationally and internationally) that support the mission of AAFSA;
- Promote the scholarly endeavors of UNF undergraduate and graduate students through a scholarship fund.
General Information
What is AAFSA?
AAFSA stands for the African American Faculty and Staff Association. AAFSA is an affiliate association under the Presidential appointed Commission on Diversity and Inclusion Committee. -
Why was AAFSA formed?
AAFSA was formed to develop a supportive network for UNF employees of African descent, provide services that meet their needs, and promote cultural, educational, fundraising and civic activities in alignment with the academic mission of the University.
What are the benefits of becoming a voting member of AAFSA?
- Full voting rights
- The right to serve as an AAFSA officer
- Participation and discounts at AAFSA events
- Receive AAFSA membership incentives (lapel pin, t-shirt, membership card, and a certificate)
- Extensive networking opportunities
- Forum for open discussion amongst other African American faculty and staff
- Support scholarship endeavors for UNF students
Can I attend AAFSA activities and meetings if I am not a member?
AAFSA activities and meetings are open to all UNF employees as well as invited guests. -
What is the difference between a AAFSA associate member and a AAFSA voting member?
Any UNF faculty or staff member who subscribes to the mission and objectives of AAFSA may become an associate member. Only voting members shall be eligible to cast a vote in business meetings, serve as an elected or appointed officer, receive a membership package and be given incentives and discounts. -
What are my membership dues used for?
- AAFSA sponsored events and activities
- AAFSA membership incentives
- AAFSA awards and/or scholarships
- AAFSA operating expenses
How much are AAFSA membership dues?
$25 per calendar year, Jan. 1-Dec. 31
How do I give to AAFSA?
There are two ways to give to AAFSA. You can donate to the general operating fund or to the AAFSA Scholarship Fund.