Explore these FAQ for more information about the Fifth Session (INC-5) and the INC process in general:


INC: Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment 

INC-5: Fifth session of the INC

INC Committee: the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee 

Members: Members of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee, i.e. Member States of the United Nations or Members of its specialized agencies, and regional economic integration organizations participating in its work.


 Fifth Session (INC-5)

  • Where and when will INC-5 take place?

    INC-5 will take place at the Busan Exhibition and Convention Center (BEXCO), Busan, Republic of Korea from 25 November to 1 December 2024. The session will be preceded by regional consultations on 24 November 2024. All information regarding INC-5 is available on the INC-5 web page: https://www.unep.org/inc-plastic-pollution/session-5.

  • How can I register for INC-5?

    The invitations for INC-5 were circulated in a letter by the Executive Secretary, dated 18 July 2024 (see copy of letter in notifications of the same date). Information on the registration for INC-5 is available on the INC registration web page. All registrations must be done online via the INDICO platform, and no registrations will be accepted or processed via email. Registrants must submit the required documentation and fill out all mandatory fields in the INDICO platform under the respective category of registration. Queries related to registration should be sent by email to unep-incplastic.registration@un.org.

  • Are registrations approved automatically?

    No, it may take a few days for the INC Secretariat to review the supporting documentation and to process registrations. Once registration is processed, delegates will receive an automatic email from INDICO informing on the change of status of their registration.

  • Is there a limitation on the number of representatives that can register?

    For Members of the Committee, there is no limit on the number of representatives that can register to attend the INC sessions.

    For duly accredited Observer organizations, including Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs), United Nations System entities, and Non-governmental Organizations, each can register up to 5 representatives to attend INC sessions.

  • Can I register after the registration deadline?

    No. The timeline for registration is indicated in the invitation letter sent by email from the INC Executive Secretary (see copy of letter in notifications of the same date). The registration portal will close after the registration deadline. There will be no on-site registration

  • Am I eligible to attend INC-5 as a Non-governmental Organization (NGO)?

    NGOs accredited to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), or accredited to one of the Multilateral Environment Agreement (MEAs) administered by UNEP are eligible to participate as Observers in the INC sessions. More information on NGO participation is available in the INC Observers Engagement Guide.

  • Am I eligible to attend INC-5 as an Intergovernmental Organization (IGOs) and other entities?

    The following IGOs are eligible to participate as Observers in the INC sessions:

  • Am I eligible to attend INC-5 as a UN entity?

    Representatives of Specialized Agencies (FAO, ICAO, IFAD, ILO, IMF, IMO, ITU, UNESCO, UNIDO, UNWTO, UPU, World Bank, WHO, WIPO and WMO) and related organizations (which include CTBTO Preparatory Commission, IAEA, ICC, IOM, OPCW and WTO), as well as from UN Secretariat, funds, programmes, regional commissions, Secretariats of the Multilateral Environmental Agreements administered by UNEP and other UN entities, are eligible to participate as Observers in the INC sessions.

  • How can my organization get accredited?

    Organizations whose work is relevant to the INC, but are not accredited to UNEP, Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEAs) administered by UNEP and/or do not have consultative status with ECOSOC, can apply to get accredited to the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA). Accreditation to UNEA is administered by a different office, separate from the INC Secretariat.

    For more information about the accreditation process and requirements please consult here. For additional questions about UNEP accreditation, please write to: unep-accreditation@un.org.

  • Can local governments and municipalities participate in the INC sessions?

    Local governments and municipalities cannot independently register as such for INC sessions. As per Rules 55 and 56 of the Draft Rules of Procedure for the work of the INC (UNEP/PP/INC.4/2), only specialized agencies, United Nations bodies, multilateral environmental agreements, and intergovernmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations can participate as Observers in the work of the sessions.

  • If my registration to INC is approved do I get a visa issued?

    The registration to the INC sessions and the visa application process are two separate procedures. Delegates are responsible for applying for their entry visa and for meeting the necessary requirements and timelines defined by the host country.

    To support the delegates with their visa application process, once the registration to attend the INC is approved, delegates will receive an automatic email with the UN Event Pass and a visa support letter.

    The assessment of each visa application and the issuance of the visa remains in the jurisdiction of the competent authorities of the host country.

  • How can I apply for a visa to the Republic of Korea for INC-5?

    All participants are required to hold a valid passport before arriving in the Republic of Korea and should apply for a visa at the Korean embassies or consulates prior to departure unless their countries are visa waivered. The availability of visa waiver differs by country and the type of passport.

    A detailed guide on the visa application process for the Republic of Korea is available in this information note to participants. Participants are strongly encouraged to contact their nearest Korean consulate or embassy for detailed information. To find an Embassy of the Republic of Korea near you visit: https://www.visa.go.kr/openPage.do?MENU_ID=10106.

    Kindly also note that participants are responsible for all aspects related to their visa application and the INC Secretariat is not in a position to provide financial support for travel related to visa applications.  

  • Is travel support available for delegates from Members of the Committee to attend INC-5?

    Funding will be available from the voluntary contributions made by donors to support the participation of a maximum of 2 delegates from developing countries and countries with economies in transition, with priority given Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS). It is up to each Member of the Committee to decide who within its delegation are the recipients of travel support.

    Application for travel support and registration for INC-5 are 2 separate processes. The delegates designated to receive financial support are requested to submit a dedicated online form whose link was circulated with the invitation letter to INC-5.

  • Is travel support available for Observers from Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) to attend INC-5?

    The INC Secretariat is in the position to provide travel support for the participation of a maximum of 20 participants from NGOs. Only duly registered participants who meet the funding criteria will be eligible to apply for travel support. Before applying for travel support, delegates must be duly registered and approved, and the UN Event Pass will be required to be uploaded.

  • If I am approved to receive travel support, how do I get my tickets?

    The INC Secretariat will commence the required administrative procedures to issue tickets for travel after the deadline for applications. The administrative process can be lengthy and eligible delegates will be contacted directly, as soon as possible, regarding their travel itinerary.

  • Can I apply for travel support after the deadline?

    For the necessary travel arrangements to comply with the United Nations rules and regulations, funding support for those nominated after the deadline cannot be guaranteed.

  • How will the Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) be disbursed?

    Disbursement of the DSA will be made on-site, at the meeting venue. The schedule and venue for DSA disbursement will be announced upon arrival at the venue. Sponsored participants will be requested to present their original arrival boarding pass and original passport/travel document used to enter the Republic of Korea. For the latest information, please consult the information note to participants.

  • What are the lodging arrangements for funded delegates?

    Funded delegates are responsible for making their own hotel bookings, as the DSA covers costs related to lodging, meals and other such payments made for services rendered during official travel.

    A list of recommended hotels and rates in Busan is available in Annex A of the information note to participants.

  • How and when can I collect my meeting badge?

    Collection of the badges will be done at the INC-5 venue. To collect a badge, participants are required to visit the registration desk at the venue and present a passport or valid identification card, and a copy of their UN Event Pass (that was sent to their email when their online registration was approved).

INC process and more information

  • What is the INC?

    The INC refers to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee which was established pursuant to UNEA resolution 5/14 entitled “End plastic pollution: towards an international legally binding instrument”. The INC is to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution, including in the marine environment, which could include both binding and voluntary approaches, based on a comprehensive approach that addresses the full life cycle of plastic, taking into account, among other things, the principles of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, as well as national circumstances and capabilities. More details are provided in the operative paragraphs 3 and 4 of UNEA resolution 5/14.

  • Which rules of procedure apply to the INC?

    The following draft Rules of Procedure apply provisionally to the work of the INC.

  • Who are the Members of the INC?

    As per the draft Rules of Procedure provisionally applied to the work of the INC, a “Member” of the INC means any State Member of the United Nations or Member of its specialized agencies or a regional economic integration organization who participates in the work of the INC.

  • Who are the Observers of the INC?

    The modalities for participation of Observers in the INC sessions are provided for in Rule 55 and Rule 56 of the draft Rules of Procedure. The following categories of Observers can participate in the sessions of the INC:

    • Accredited Intergovernmental Organizations (IGOs);
    • United Nations (UN) entities; and
    • Accredited Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs).
  • When is the INC process expected to conclude?

    UNEA resolution 5/14 requested the intergovernmental negotiating committee to begin its work during the second half of 2022, with the ambition of completing its work of delivering the instrument by the end of 2024. UNEA resolution 5/14 further requested the Executive Director to convene a diplomatic conference of plenipotentiaries upon completion of negotiations by the intergovernmental negotiating committee, for the purpose of adopting the instrument and opening it for signature. 

  • Who can designate focal points to the INC?

    Members of the INC can designate national focal point(s) to the INC process. The national focal point(s) serves as the contact point for further communications with the INC Secretariat. The designation of focal point(s) is separate from the nominations to attend INC sessions and meetings. 

  • How can Members of the INC designate or update the designation of their national focal point(s)?

    A Note Verbale or official letter with the designation or update of designation of the national focal point(s) should be communicated to unep-incplastic.secretariat@un.org, indicating the name, affiliation and contact details of the national focal point(s). The details of the national focal points are made publicly available in the Directory of National Focal Points

  • What is a national delegation?

    Delegation of each Member participating in any session of the INC consists of a head of delegation and such alternate representatives and advisers as may be required (rule 6 of the draft rules of procedure provisionally applied to the work of the INC, the). For each INC session, Members are invited to nominate their national delegation by communicating the names of the Head of their delegation as well as the names of alternate representatives and advisers, through a Note Verbale or official letter. 

  • What is the Open-ended Legal Drafting Group?

    The Committee at its fourth session agreed to establish an open-ended legal drafting group to conduct a legal review of any elements of the draft text forwarded to it by the Committee with a view to ensuring that the text was drafted in a legally sound manner and make recommendations on the wording to the Committee for its consideration. In its work, the legal drafting group would not consider policy issues, and any policy issues it might identify in the course of its work would be referred back to the Committee. The group will commence its work at the fifth session and be composed of legal experts from Members of the Committee. The latest information will be available on the website: https://www.unep.org/inc-plastic-pollution/session-5/oeldg

  • How can Observer organizations get accredited?

    Organizations whose work is relevant to the INC, but are not accredited to UNEP, Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEAs) administered by UNEP and/or do not have consultative status with ECOSOC, can apply to get accredited to the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA). Accreditation to UNEA is administered by a different office, separate from the INC Secretariat.

    For more information about the accreditation process and requirements please consult here. For additional questions about UNEP accreditation, please write to: unep-accreditation@un.org.

  • Can local governments and municipalities participate in the INC sessions?

    Local governments and municipalities cannot independently register as such for INC sessions. As per Rules 55 and 56 of the Draft Rules of Procedure for the work of the INC (UNEP/PP/INC.4/2), only specialized agencies, United Nations bodies, multilateral environmental agreements, and intergovernmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations can participate as Observers in the work of the sessions. 

  • What is the role of the INC Secretariat?

    The Executive Director established the INC Secretariat in response to paragraph 8 of UNEA Resolution 5/14 that requested the United Nations Environment Programme to ensure the necessary secretariat support to the intergovernmental negotiating committee. The INC Secretariat is headed by the Executive Secretary. The Secretariat functions are outlined in section VII of the draft Rules of Procedure

    The Secretariat acts as a neutral body supporting the INC process and the mandates and decisions of the Committee direct its work. The INC Secretariat of the INC is not involved in the programmatic activities of UNEP. 

  • How can I receive notifications from the INC Secretariat?

    If you wish to receive the general notifications from the INC Secretariat, kindly send your request to be added to the INC mailing list to unep-incplastic.secretariat@un.org.