Welcome! The Writing Center provides a collaborative learning environment for all members of the University of Montana community. Professional tutors support undergraduates, graduate students, alumni, faculty, and staff working on a wide variety of academic, professional, and creative writing tasks.
During spring and fall semesters, online and in-person appointments are available six days a week. Same-day appointments are often available!
Use the tabs above to access additional resources and program information, check out answers to FAQs, or email [email protected] with any further questions. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
The Writing Center is open for online and in-person appointments 9am to 6pm Sundays through Thursdays throughout the academic year (we are closed on Saturdays). For additional tutoring options please email [email protected].
Make an appointment with us!
Writing consultants are eager to work with you at any point during the research, writing, and presentation process. Visit our online scheduler to make an appointment or stop by to meet with a consultant during our drop-in hours. We look forward to working with you!
Online Appointments
At your appointment time, log in to the scheduler, click on your appointment box, then click on the Zoom link. To get the most out of your session, please have your assignment prompt and whatever you've written so far open on your desktop. Plan to use a device with a screen large enough to see documents. If you can’t keep an appointment, please cancel using the online scheduler.
In-Person Appointments
Please have a digital or printed copy of the assignment prompt as well as any planning or writing you have done. You have the option to upload your draft through your appointment screen when you log into the scheduler. If you can't keep an appointment, please cancel using the online scheduler.
Drop-In Tutoring
Need last-minute feedback and don’t have an appointment? During fall and spring semesters, drop-in hours are available in the UC Branch Center (Room 206) from 3-4 pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays, and from 1:30-3:30 pm on Fridays in the Mansfield Library, room 322 (entry level).