"Miss Cerise, while ah do appreciate ya sendin me mah...things," he stared at the box the sheep had been stuffed in, away from the eyes of his coworkers. "Ah think there's some things ya didn't mean to ship out here."
He looked into the box with a frown as he cradled the phone against his shoulder and ear.
Though the buffer to polish his horns was rather nice he had to admit...
[ X ]
"Hey, don't you get pissy with me!" She growled right back at him. "I did my best to take care of you, and you weren't exactly helpful on that front. Like it or not that's your sh- stuff," damned sensoring in front of little ears. It would be a blessing when she was able to give them back to their mother.
"All I can say is that you refused a real bed. I tried, and when I tried you would make a nest out of my dirty laundry. Trust me, I wasn't fond of it, either." She really didn't like it, but what else could she do or say? It was either a dog bed or he was going to town on her uncleaned socks.
"Don't be mad at me, these are things you liked and enjoyed. I don't want them hanging around me. I can't use them, and they aren't mine." What was his problem? This was his life, even if he didn't like it. "I don't care what you do with them. They're your belongings, I don't want them. I dunno, keep them to the side for if you start mooing again."