Crypto market

The shrimp of crypto

Size doesn't always matter, especially in the world of financial assets. Explore the list below for small-cap cryptocurrencies that, while not rivaling Bitcoin or Ethereum in market cap, can offer new opportunities.
Market cap
Change %
Circ supply
EVAEvadore92529.32 K USD0.00016867 USD+23.09%12.88 K USD173.82 M
PTSPetals92452.25 K USD0.0000036994 USD+8.86%407 USD14.13 BSocial, media & Content, Web3
KALMKALM923130.76 K USD0.015293 USD−8.23%713 USD8.55 MNFTs & Collectibles, Lending & Borrowing, DeFi
ORBOrbCity922245.56 K USD0.00070988 USD+2.93%5.78 K USD345.91 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse
HSFHillstone Finance921270.06 K USD0.0089985 USD+12.40%246 USD30.01 MPayments, DeFi
PERLPERL.eco920300.65 K USD0.00061240 USD+0.38%384 USD490.94 MAsset-backed Tokens, Marketplace
PNTpNetwork919388.09 K USD0.0043483 USD−0.45%1.72 K USD89.25 MNFTs & Collectibles, DeFi, DAO
DREPDrep [new]917412.93 K USD0.0041293 USD+0.40%111 USD100 MSmart contract platforms, Oracles, DeFi
CVTXCarrieverse918433.91 K USD0.0020896 USD+8.32%39.99 K USD207.65 M
THNThrone916526.85 K USD0.0013483 USD+2.35%36.14 K USD390.75 MSocial, media & Content, Web3
WAITHourglass915539.5 K USD0.0055191 USD+7.62%2.31 K USD97.75 MFundraising
RBLSRebel Bots914743.35 K USD0.0060290 USD+0.20%512 USD123.3 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles
NVIRNvirWorld913932.37 K USD0.00088585 USD−1.52%32.33 K USD1.05 BNFTs & Collectibles, Marketplace
GRVGrove Coin912960.15 K USD0.010098 USD−0.95%29.45 K USD95.08 MDeFi
MULTIMultichain9111.15 M USD0.078867 USD−1.38%85.46 K USD14.54 MInteroperability, Web3
PEELMeta Apes9091.18 M USD0.0076987 USD+0.78%853 USD153.41 MGaming, NFTs & Collectibles
VEGAVega Protocol9101.2 M USD0.019397 USD+0.04%12.56 K USD62.05 MDecentralized exchange, Derivatives, DeFi
SSGSOMESING9081.27 M USD0.00038793 USD+1.34%233.04 K USD3.26 B
VTSVeritise9071.28 M USD0.0056990 USD−5.43%42.63 K USD224.06 MIdentity
FORForTube9061.33 M USD0.0016717 USD−6.35%194.14 K USD795 MLending & Borrowing, DeFi
OOKIOoki Protocol9051.38 M USD0.00010069 USD−1.25%303.7 K USD13.72 BDecentralized exchange, Data management & AI, Lending & Borrowing, DeFi
TAMATamadoge9041.46 M USD0.0010494 USD+5.28%75.64 K USD1.39 BMemes
ZKBZKBase9031.6 M USD0.0081221 USD−1.72%204.3 K USD197.44 MDecentralized exchange, Scaling, DeFi
WOZXEfforce9021.65 M USD0.0031235 USD+5.58%686 USD527.14 MNFTs & Collectibles, Energy, Loyalty & Rewards
GMMTGiant Mammoth9011.71 M USD0.010485 USD−0.98%836.79 K USD163.52 MWeb3
WSMWall Street Memes9001.77 M USD0.00093684 USD−9.53%475.52 K USD1.89 BMemes
HVHHAVAH8991.78 M USD0.0039023 USD−0.83%89.03 K USD455.94 MNFTs & Collectibles, Interoperability
CPHCypherium8981.85 M USD0.0048222 USD−6.48%1.68 K USD382.95 MEnterprise solutions
AKROAkropolis8962.07 M USD0.00046595 USD−16.99%2.91 M USD4.44 BLending & Borrowing, DeFi, DAO
AGLAAngola8972.12 M USD0.0044632 USD−0.21%139.52 K USD475.45 MNFTs & Collectibles, Social, media & Content
YOOSHIYooShi8942.31 M USD0.0000000063009 USD−4.11%83.58 K USD366.93 TMemes, Gaming, NFTs & Collectibles
TABOOTABOO TOKEN8952.33 M USD0.00023866 USD−0.63%7.11 K USD9.78 BSocial, media & Content
OAXOAX8932.45 M USD0.031835 USD−5.49%106.28 K USD77.03 MDevelopments tools, DeFi, DAO
DUSTDUST Protocol8922.46 M USD0.12858 USD−4.28%7.77 K USD19.14 MNFTs & Collectibles
GFTGifto8912.51 M USD0.0011218 USD−2.99%19.37 K USD2.24 BSocial, media & Content, Loyalty & Rewards
FSNFusion8902.64 M USD0.034054 USD+1.52%64.01 K USD77.42 MPayments, DeFi
PLANETPLANET8892.7 M USD0.0000031765 USD−2.81%96.83 K USD851.45 BGaming, NFTs & Collectibles, DAO
RMRKRMRK8882.91 M USD0.31955 USD+8.34%11.69 K USD9.09 MNFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse
PKFRed Kite8872.93 M USD0.025586 USD−3.18%12.34 K USD114.69 MDevelopments tools
SPHSpheroid Universe8862.97 M USD0.0014997 USD+3.58%234 USD1.98 BNFTs & Collectibles, Metaverse
LBCLBRY Credits8843.17 M USD0.0048442 USD+2.18%1.29 K USD654.24 MData management & AI, Social, media & Content, Marketplace
COVALCircuits of Value8853.19 M USD0.0017897 USD−7.70%7.34 K USD1.78 BAsset management, DeFi
MLTMILC Platform8833.3 M USD0.026515 USD+0.79%37.31 K USD124.42 MSocial, media & Content, Metaverse
BITCIBitcicoin8823.31 M USD0.00042983 USD−4.06%343.48 K USD7.71 BEnterprise solutions
NESTNEST Protocol8813.38 M USD0.0011624 USD+3.03%1.17 M USD2.91 BOracles, DeFi
EPXEllipsis8803.42 M USD0.000044497 USD−3.49%389.32 K USD76.78 BDecentralized exchange, DeFi
RAIRai Reflex Index8793.48 M USD2.9555 USD−0.81%162.73 K USD1.18 MAsset-backed Tokens, DeFi
BRICKr/FortNiteBR Bricks8783.49 M USD0.031370 USD−1.13%28.27 K USD111.23 MSocial, media & Content
ABBCABBC Coin8773.68 M USD0.0040693 USD+10.12%4.16 K USD905.31 MPayments
COTCosplay Token8753.91 M USD0.009922 USD−0.65%33.56 K USD394.36 MSocial, media & Content
BBFBubblefong8763.91 M USD0.020991 USD+0.32%184.52 K USD186.5 MGaming, Marketplace
BONDBarnBridge8744.1 M USD0.51851 USD−1.67%3.64 M USD7.91 MDerivatives, DeFi, DAO
FERFerro8734.11 M USD0.0044100 USD+1.71%4.41 K USD932.53 MLending & Borrowing, Loyalty & Rewards
CEURCelo Euro8724.45 M USD1.0285 USD−0.67%1.85 M USD4.32 MStablecoins, Algorithmic Stablecoins
BSCPADBSCPAD8704.51 M USD0.056980 USD+3.48%314.81 K USD79.21 MDevelopments tools, Fundraising
SOLVESOLVE8714.52 M USD0.0064539 USD+1.21%112.87 K USD700.13 MEnterprise solutions, Health
VALValidity8684.6 M USD0.90156 USD−0.03%147.66 K USD5.1 MIdentity
CQTCovalent8694.62 M USD0.0054000 USD0.00%20.65 K USD856.18 MData management & AI, Enterprise solutions, Web3
CVPPowerPool8674.65 M USD0.106882 USD+4.41%634.32 K USD43.49 MAsset management, DeFi, DAO
VEXTVeloce8654.67 M USD0.020619 USD+65.06%2.29 M USD226.47 MGaming, Social, media & Content, Loyalty & Rewards, Sports, Web3
PREPresearch8664.8 M USD0.012106 USD−0.28%92.08 K USD396.58 MDistributed computing & Storage, Data management & AI, Web3
APMapM Coin8635.02 M USD0.0032996 USD0.00%234.27 K USD1.52 BPayments, Loyalty & Rewards
VGXVGX Token8645.11 M USD0.014916 USD+8.44%1.44 M USD342.69 MAsset management, Payments
ORCOrbit Chain8625.15 M USD0.0076887 USD+0.55%82.98 K USD670.15 MInteroperability, Scaling
WOLFLandWolf (SOL)8605.16 M USD0.00051561 USD−6.12%172.44 K USD10 BMemes
REVVREVV8615.25 M USD0.0044093 USD−3.36%462 K USD1.19 BGaming, NFTs & Collectibles
BTSBitShares8575.26 M USD0.0017577 USD+6.13%105.37 K USD3 BSmart contract platforms, Decentralized exchange, DeFi
FRAFindora8585.41 M USD0.00047392 USD+1.30%95.03 K USD11.41 BPrivacy, Smart contract platforms, Developments tools
SOFIRAI Finance8595.45 M USD0.010627 USD+0.07%231.3 K USD512.8 MInteroperability, Payments
BEERBEERCOIN8565.62 M USD0.000010226 USD−1.45%928.61 K USD549.76 B
IRISIRISnet8555.88 M USD0.0036249 USD+0.83%105.2 K USD1.62 BInteroperability
CRUCrust Network8546.11 M USD0.43188 USD−3.51%345.9 K USD14.14 MDistributed computing & Storage, Web3, DePIN
UNFIUnifi Protocol DAO8536.19 M USD0.64774 USD−1.71%1.21 M USD9.55 MInteroperability, DeFi
GXAGALAXIA8526.22 M USD0.0024722 USD0.00%4.44 K USD2.52 BPayments
UNIBOTUnibot8516.39 M USD6.3853 USD+0.71%694.96 K USD1 MLoyalty & Rewards
KEYSelfKey8496.47 M USD0.0010779 USD+0.04%1.21 M USD6 BData management & AI, Identity, Enterprise solutions
GMMGamium8506.47 M USD0.00013196 USD+0.37%161.43 K USD49.02 BNFTs & Collectibles, Interoperability, DeFi, Metaverse, DAO
OUSDOrigin Dollar8486.55 M USD1.00003 USD+0.06%7.33 K USD6.55 MStablecoins, Asset-backed Stablecoins, DeFi
FUSEFuse8466.61 M USD0.030075 USD+1.70%1.2 M USD219.88 MPayments, Layer 1
BTMBytomDAO8476.62 M USD0.0040353 USD−6.87%71.03 K USD1.64 BSmart contract platforms, Payments
MEVMEVerse8456.63 M USD0.0038413 USD−0.72%80.1 K USD1.73 BInteroperability, DeFi, Metaverse
TSUKADejitaru Tsuka8446.65 M USD0.0066529 USD−1.40%85.36 K USD1 BMemes
FNCYFNCY8436.78 M USD0.0063109 USD+5.06%36.89 K USD1.07 BGaming, NFTs & Collectibles
OPTIOptimus AI8426.93 M USD0.072948 USD+0.46%44.75 K USD95.03 MMemes, Cryptocurrencies, Data management & AI
CELCelsius8417.03 M USD0.18637 USD−2.58%1.32 M USD37.72 MLending & Borrowing
AKITAAkita Inu8407.24 M USD0.00000010629 USD+1.33%234.92 K USD68.07 TMemes, Gaming
HNSHandshake8397.27 M USD0.011268 USD+0.30%140.21 K USD645.49 MDistributed computing & Storage, NFTs & Collectibles, Web3, DePIN
DOMEEverdome8387.32 M USD0.00038523 USD+0.00%393.58 K USD19 BMetaverse
IZIIzumi Finance8377.42 M USD0.0094274 USD+0.46%204 K USD787.4 MDeFi
SISSymbiosis8357.48 M USD0.12187 USD−5.76%129.2 K USD61.37 M
FEIFei USD8367.51 M USD0.97662 USD0.00%395 USD7.69 MStablecoins, Algorithmic Stablecoins, DeFi
KANBitKan8347.72 M USD0.00080486 USD+0.28%74.49 K USD9.59 BSocial, media & Content, Analytics
POOLXPoolz Finance8327.85 M USD1.5257 USD+1.96%437.21 K USD5.15 MInteroperability
CAPSTernoa8307.85 M USD0.0061030 USD+18.80%1.07 M USD1.29 BNFTs & Collectibles
GZONEGameZone8337.93 M USD0.0094434 USD+2.23%2.21 K USD840.12 MGaming
FITFIStep App8297.97 M USD0.0031511 USD+0.10%1.74 M USD2.53 BGaming, Data management & AI, NFTs & Collectibles, Payments, Move to earn, Health, DeFi, Sports, Marketplace, Web3, DAO
BAXBABB8317.99 M USD0.00010553 USD−1.24%61.46 K USD75.75 BPayments
HEROMetahero8248.17 M USD0.0016037 USD−1.40%97.64 K USD5.1 BInternet of things, Metaverse, Marketplace
STCSaitaChain Coin8288.25 M USD0.00018365 USD−2.14%59.78 K USD44.94 B
GALGalatasaray Fan Token8278.33 M USD1.8527 USD+0.25%1.6 M USD4.5 MSports, Fan Tokens