Welcome to my personal website. My life was transformed as I saw my son TJ, whose tiny picture is the icon on this site's tab, suffer and die from a brain tumor that started in 2002 and ended his mortal life in 2005, a journey that was documented in a front page article in the national edition of the Wall St. Journal.
My recent life has been characterized by being willing to go into hell for the heavenly cause, a line from a favorite song, The Impossible Dream.
Seven years ago, I converted to the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter-day Saints, that story is shared in this video:
By the grace of God, I know the secret to life and, all things considered, am one of the wealthiest people in the world. The secret is partially revealed in the video posted above, but the short and simple is that the second coming of Christ is in you, for you, personally. When you live with the blessed assurance that you live in Christ and Christ lives in you, there is nothing to fear. You can know that all your needs will always be met, as you work with all the saints to bring the individual second coming to all and thereby work towards the eventual Second Coming to all.
I was born to good parents. They were faithful to God, each other, and their children. I was taught well, in many domains, by my mother and father. I have been through many trials and tribulations during my life, yet have found myself highly favored by God. I have been given a great knowledge of the goodness and ways of God.
If you are here because I am on the ballot for Governor of Utah now, the policy page you might be interested in is Transformation Takes Time! I have been gifted with many forward thinking solutions to public policy matters here in Utah. But as important as getting there is going there at a pace that respects where people are now, and introducing change at the right pace. This is what to read if you are interested in my policy positions, though they are subject to change as I receive further revelation. My ongoing personal campaign to change how people vote is Vote the Jesus Way.
Call me to learn more, 801-318-3122, or email [email protected].