Russian Words: Travel and Transportation

Travel time concept - blank blackboard, flag of the Russia, camera, airplane model, little bicycle and suitcase, compass on wooden background

VeranoVerde / Getty Images

Russians love to travel and discover new places. As Russia is the largest country in the world, long distances don't scare Russian adventurers. Use the vocabulary lists below to learn the essential Russian words and phrases related to travel and transportation.

Modes of Transportation

Russian cities usually have good transport systems. Rail and coach travel is popular and convenient, and many Russians like to travel by car, too.

Russian English Pronunciation Examples
Поезд train POyest Едем на поезде (YEdem na POyezde)
- We are on a train/going by train
Самолёт airplane samaLYOT Летит самолёт (leTEET samaLYOT)
- The airplane is flying/flies (to/from)
Машина car maSHEEna Два часа на машине (dva chaSA na maSHEEne)
- Two hours by car
Метро subway myTRO Станция метро (STANtsiya meTRO)
- A subway station/stop
Трамвай tram tramVAI На трамвае до конечной (na tramVAye da kaNYECHnai)
- On the tram until the last stop
Автобус bus afTOboos Остановка автобуса (astaNOFka afTOboosa)
- A bus stop
Троллейбус trolleybus tralLEYbus Троллейбус переполнен (tralLEYbus perePOLnen)
- The trolleybus is full
Такси cab/taxi takSEE Возьмём такси (vaz'MYOM takSEE)
- (Let's/We'll) get a taxi/cab
Маршрутное такси/маршрутка routed cab marSHROOTnaye takSEE Надо ждать маршрутку (NAda ZHDAT' marshROOTkoo)
- We have to wait for the routed cab
Лодка boat (rowing/dinghy/fishing) LOTka Маленькая лодочка (MAlen'kaya LOdachka)
- A tiny boat
Корабль ship kaRABl' Капитан корабля (kapiTAN karaBLYA)
- Captain of the ship
Вертолёт helicopter vyrtaLYOT Подлетел вертолёт (padleTEL vertaLYOT)
- A helicopter flew over
Катер speedboat/cruiser KAtyet Речной катер (rechNOI KAter)
- A river cruiser
Яхта yacht YAKHta Огромная яхта (agROMnaya YAKHta)
- A giant superyacht

At the Airport

Larger cities in Russia have their own airports. There are many airlines in Russia, with Aeroflot being the biggest and one of the oldest airlines.

Russian English Pronunciation Examples
Билет ticket biLYET Я забыл билет (ya zaBYL biLYET)
- I forgot my ticket
Аэропорт airport ah-ehraPORT Аэропорт Шереметьево (ah-ehraPORT shereMYET'eva)
- The Sheremetyevo Airport
Рейс flight reiyss Во сколько твой рейс (va SKOL'ka tvoi reiyss)
- What time is your flight
Расписание schedule raspiSAniye Посмотрим расписание (paSMOTrim raspiSAniye)
- Let's check the schedule
Зал ожидания airport lounge zal azhiDAniya Он в зале ожидания (on v ZAle azhiDAniya)
- He's in the airport lounge
Бизнес-класс business class BIZnes klas Она летит бизнес-классом (aNAH leTEET BIZnes KLASsam)
- She's flying business class
Эконом-класс economy class ehkaNOM klas Билет эконом-класса (biLYET ehkaNOM KLASsa)
- An economy ticket
Багаж luggage baGAZH Забрать багаж (zaBRAT' baGAZH)
- To collect luggage


When traveling to Russia, keep in mind that hotels require a passport at the time of check-in.

Russian English Pronunciation Examples
Номер room NOmer Вот ваш номер (vot vaash NOmer)
- Here's your room
Гостиница hotel gasTEEnitsa Гостиница в центре Москвы (gasTEEnitsa f TSENTre maskVY)
- A hotel in the center of Moscow
Рецепшн reception reTSEPshin Спросите на рецепшн (spraSEEte na reTSEPshin)
- Ask at the reception
Вестибюль lounge vestiBYUL' Большой вестибюль (bal'SHOI vestiBYUL')
- A spacious lounge
Тренажёрный зал gym trynaZHYORniy ZAL Я иду в тренажёрный зал (ya iDOO f trenaZHYORniy zal)
- I'm going to the gym
Бассейн swimming pool basSEIYN Можно расслабиться в бассейне (MOZHna rasSLAbitsa v basSEIYne)
- (We/You) can relax in the swimming pool

On Vacation

Many Russians travel abroad for their vacation. The Black Sea coast is also popular with Russian holidaymakers.

Russian English Pronunciation Examples
Отпуск vacation OTpoosk Когда у тебя отпуск (kagDA oo tyBYA OTpoosk)
- When is your vacation?
Поездка trip paYESTka Замечательная поездка (zameCHAtel'naya paYESTka)
- A fantastic trip
Отдых vacation/relaxation OTdykh Едем на отдых (YEdim na OTdykh)
- We are going on vacation
Пляж beach plyash Загорать на пляже (zagaRAT' na PLYAzhe)
- To sunbathe on the beach
Музей museum mooZEI Лучшие музеи города (LOOCHshiye mooZYEyi GOrada)
- The city's best museums
Выставка exhibition VYStafka Потрясающая выставка (patryaSAyushaya VYStafka)
- An amazing exhibition
Лес forest lyes Обожаю ходить в лес (abaZHAyu haDEET' v lyes)
- I love going to the forest
Горы mountains GOry Вы едете в горы? (vy YEdyte v GOry)
- Are you going to the mountains
Спа spa spa Давай расслабимся в спа (daVAI rasSLAbimsya v SPA)
- Let's relax in the spa
Достопримечательности sights, landmarks dastaprimyCHAtelnasti Смотреть достопримечательности (smaTRET' dastaprimyCHAtelnasti)
- To go sightseeing
Палатка tent paLATka Разбивайте палатки здесь (razbiVAIte paLATki sdes')
- Set your tents here
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Your Citation
Nikitina, Maia. "Russian Words: Travel and Transportation." ThoughtCo, Jul. 31, 2024, Nikitina, Maia. (2024, July 31). Russian Words: Travel and Transportation. Retrieved from Nikitina, Maia. "Russian Words: Travel and Transportation." ThoughtCo. (accessed November 11, 2024).