Languages › Russian › Russian Words: Food and Drink Print Traditional Russian snacks: sauerkraut with cranberries, herring, pickled cucumbers, pickled mushrooms and rye bread. Yulia Gusterina / Getty Images Languages English as a Second Language Spanish French German Italian Japanese Mandarin Russian By Maia Nikitina Maia Nikitina Russian Language Expert M.F.A., Creative Writing, Manchester Metropolitan University Diploma in Translation (IoLet Level 7, Russian), Chartered Institute of Linguists Maia Nikitina is a writer and Russian language translator. She holds a Diploma in Translation (IoLet Level 7) from the Chartered Institute of Linguists. Learn about our Editorial Process Updated on November 03, 2019 Food and drink are a big part of the Russian culture, both for social reasons and for the sake of good health, which many Russians take very seriously. It is not uncommon to have several courses for lunch, which can include soup-based starters, main dishes, and desserts. Russian family life is also centered around mealtimes and many people have a "proper" cooked breakfast every morning. Russian celebration meals are usually true feasts, which is not surprising if you consider the variety of flavors that Russia has developed due to its geographical location and historical connections. For learners of Russian, getting the food and drink vocabulary down is essential if you want to be able to participate in Russian life. We have compiled a list of the most used words. Breakfast Foods Russian breakfast can be hot or cold and is usually a sandwich, fried eggs, or kasha—a type of porridge that can be made of oats, buckwheat, millet, semolina, or pearl barley, as well as other grains. Buckwheat porridge is a traditional Russian breakfast food. Xanya69 / Getty Images Russian Word Translation Pronunciation Example Каша porridge/gruel KAsha Я не люблю кашу - I don't like porridge. бутерброд sandwich bootyerBROT or bootrBROT Бутерброд с колбасой - Salami sandwich. яичница fried egg yaEEshnitsa or yaEEchnitsa or yeeEEshnitsa Тебе пожарить яичницу? - Shall I make you some fried eggs? омлет omelet amLYET Я бы хотел(а) омлет с грибами - I would like an omelet with mushrooms. овсянка oatmeal porridge avSYANka По утрам я ем только овсянку - In the mornings/for breakfast I only eat porridge. перловая каша pearl barley porridge pirLOvaya KAsha Принесите, пожалуйста, перловую кашу - Could I please have some pearl barley porridge. манка semolina MANka Мой сын не любит манку / манную кашу - My son doesn't like semolina. манная каша semolina porridge MAnnaya KAsha Мой сын не любит манку / манную кашу - My son doesn't like semolina. гречка buckwheat GRYECHka Гречка - это полезно - Buckwheat is good for you. гречневая каша buckwheat porridge GRYECHnyvaya KAsha Дайте, пожалуйста, порцию гречневой каши - Could you please bring/could I order one portion of buckwheat? пшёнка millet PSHYONka Очень вкусная пшёнка - The millet is very tasty. пшённая каша millet porridge PSHYOnaya KAsha Купи пшённую кашу - (Could you) buy some millet? колбаса sausage kalbaSSA Какие у вас сорта колбасы? - What types of sausage do you have? сыр cheese syrr Я очень люблю французский сыр - I love French cheese. жареная картошка potato fries ZHArynaya karTOSHka На завтрак я хочу жареной картошки - I want some potato fries. гренки toast/French toast GRYENki Гренки с сыром - French toast with cheese. сырники curd cheese cakes (fried) SYRRniki Я закажу сырники - I will order some cheese buns. булка / булочка bun BOOLka / BOOlachka Булочка с маслом - A bun with some butter. круассан croissant kroo-asSAN Дайте, пожалуйста, круассан - May I have a croissant, please? сливочное масло butter SLEEvachnaye MASla Мне нужно сливочное масло - I need some butter. творог curd cheese tvaROG Творог полезен для здоровья - Curd cheese is good for your health. сметана sour cream smeTAna Немного сметаны - A little sour cream. джем jam dzhem Булка с джемом - A bun with some jam. фрукты fruit FRUKty Фрукты на дессерт - Some fruit for dessert. ватрушка curd cheese bun vatROOSHka Вкусная ватрушка - A delicious bun. хлеб bread khleb Передайте, пожалуйста, хлеб - Please could you pass the bread. сухофрукты dried fruit soohaFRUKty Сухофрукты с йогуртом - Dried fruit with some yogurt. изюм raisins eeZYUM Булочка с изюмом - A bun with raisins. кишмиш sultanas kishMISH Вкусный кишмиш - Tasty sultanas. ветчина ham vyetchiNA Ветчина и сыр - Ham and cheese. глазунья fried egg (sunny side up) glaZOOnya Я буду глазунью - I will have a fried egg sunny side up. рогалик kifli raGAlik Сладкий рогалик - A sweet kifli. Vegetables Russians eat a lot of pickled vegetables, a tradition that was born out of necessity from living in a cold climate where fresh vegetables were not available for months at a time. Plate of pickled vegetables. Russian Word Translation Pronunciation капуста cabbage kaPUSta картошка potato/potatoes karTOSHka картофель potatoes karTOfyel' морковка carrot/carrots marKOVka морковь carrot/carrots marKOF' болгарский перец / сладкий перец bell pepper/sweet pepper balGARSky PYEryets / SLADki PYEryets редиска radish ryDYSka редис radish ryDIS лук onion look чеснок garlic chesNOK спаржа asparagus SPARzha квашеная капуста saurkraut KVAshenaya kaPUSta цветная капуста cauliflower tsvetNAya kaPUSta грибы mushrooms griBY авокадо avocado avaCAda огурец cucumber agooRETS Example: Квашеная капуста.Pronunciation: KVAshenaya kaPOOSta.Translation: Saurkraut. Example: Солёный огурчик.Pronunciation: SaLYOny aGOORchik.Translation: Gherkin. Fruit Russian Word Translation Pronunciation яблоко/яблоки apple/apples YABlakuh/YAblaki груша/груши pear/pears GRUsha/GRUshi клубника strawberry/strawberries kloobNIka малина raspberry/raspberries maLEEna виноград grapes veenaGRAD апельсин orange/oranges apyl'SEEN грейпфрут grapefruit grape-FRUT мандарин mandarin mandaREEN черная смородина blackcurrant CHYORnaya smaROdina арбуз watermelon arBOOZ дыня melon DYnya банан banana banana манго mango MANguh киви kiwi KEEvi изюм raisins eeZYUM курага dried apricots kuraGAH чернослив prunes chyrnuhSLEEV слива plums SLEEva алыча cherry-plum alyCHAH ежевика blackberry yezhyVEEka Meat and Fish Meat and fish are an important part of the traditional Russian diet. For example, pickled herring is served at any celebratory or important meal. Meat and fish are often fried. Russian meal of pickled herring and vodka. lenakorzh / Getty Images Russian Word Translation Pronunciation курица chicken KOOritsa говядина beef gaVYAdina свинина pork sviNEEna баранина lamb baRAnina сёмга salmon SYOMga треска cod trysKA щука pike SHOOkah форель trout faREL' сельдь/селёдка herring SYEL'd'/syLYODka сушеная рыба dried fish suSHYOnaya RYba креветки prawns kryVYETki краб crab KRAB устрицы oysters OOStritsy Main Dishes The most popular main dishes are various soups, cutlets, and fried potatoes, as well as pasta and rice dishes. Russian Word Translation Pronunciation суп soup SOOP куриный суп chicken soup kuREEny SOOP борщ borscht BORsh щи soup ("Shi") SHEE окрошка okroshka uh-kROSHka отбивная steak atbivNAya котлеты cutlets/croquettes kutLYEty макароны pasta/macaroni makaROny лапша noodles lapSHA плов plov/pilaf PLOV рис rice REES жареная картошка fried potato/fries ZHArynaya karTOSHka жареная картошка roast zharKOye Example: Принесите, пожалуйста, отбивную.Pronunciation: PrinySEEtye, paZHalusta, atbivNUyu.Translation: I will have the steak, please. Example: На обед макароны по-флотски.Pronunciation: Na aBYED makaROny pa-FLOTsky.Translation: Lunch is beefaroni. Desserts Russian Word Translation Pronunciation мороженное ice cream moRozhenoye пирожное cake/pastry peeROZHnoye печенье biscuits pyeCHEnye торт cake TORT шоколад chocolate shuhkuhLAD зефир marshmallow zyFEER Example: Зефир в шоколаде.Pronunciation: zyFEER fshukuLAdye.Translation: Chocolate-covered marshmallow. Example: Я заказала торт.Pronunciation: Ya zakaZAla TORT.Translation: I ordered a cake. Drinks Russian Word Translation Pronunciation чай tea chay кофе coffee KOfye горячий шоколад hot chocolate gaRYAchy shuhkuhLAD какао cacao kaKAOH вино wine veeNOH пиво beer PEEvuh спиртные напитки alcoholic drinks spirtNYye naPEETki квас kvas KVAS кефир kefir kyFEER сок juice SOK апельсиновый сок orange juice apyl'SEEnahvy SOK яблочный сок apple juice YABlachny SOK водка vodka VODka Example: Кофе по-восточному, пожалуйста.Pronunciation: KOfye pa-vasTOChnamoo, paZHAlusta.Translation: Turkish coffee, please. Cite this Article Format mla apa chicago Your Citation Nikitina, Maia. "Russian Words: Food and Drink." ThoughtCo, Jun. 25, 2024, Nikitina, Maia. (2024, June 25). Russian Words: Food and Drink. Retrieved from Nikitina, Maia. "Russian Words: Food and Drink." ThoughtCo. 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