Race Relations

From enslavement and segregation to Civil Rights and Black Lives Matter, these articles will help you understand race relations in America.

  • President Barack Obama wins the 2012 presidential election
    How People of Color Helped Obama Win Reelection
  • a man holding a rolled up copy of the constitution
    Fifth Amendment Supreme Court Cases
  • An interracial couple embraces in a forest
    Difficulties Faced by Interracial Couples Historically and Today
  • People with resume's waiting for a job interview
    How to Respond to Discrimination During a Job Interview
  • Japanese American Internees During World War II
    Japanese-American No-No Boys Explained
  • Native American woman in traditional dress standing among grass on prairie
    Celebrating Cultural Heritage Months
  • People at business meeting
    5 Ways to Make Your Diversity Workshop a Success
  • two men talking
    Responding to a Racist Joke
  • Persian Dancers Performing in Traditional Clothes in NY
    Celebrating Arab American Heritage Month
  • family talking around a table
    5 Ways to Handle a Racist Family Member
  • Group of ethnic children smiling, with one looking directly at the camera.
    Which 4 States Have the Most People of Color?
  • Protesters March On Washington To Mark 50 Year Anniversary of Brown vs. Board Of Ed
    The Definition of Institutional Racism
  • Mixed race family at the breakfast table.
    Raising Biracial Children to Be Well-Adjusted
  • Front of church building.
    5 Ways to Make Your Racially Segregated Church More Diverse
  • Is the Fashion Industry Appropriating Native American Culture
  • Dakota Access Pipeline protesters
    Why the Standing Rock Sioux Oppose the Dakota Access Pipeline
  • Black and white photo of a man speaking at a podium, with a "The Right to Work" banner behind him
    Executive Order 8802: Prohibition of Discrimination and Its Impact
  • The Black Wall Street Massacre memorial is shown June 18, 2020 in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
    Tulsa Race Massacre: Causes, Events, and Aftermath
  • Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. meet in 1964
    Similarities Between Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X
  • Fred Korematsu, Minoru Yasui, and Gordon Hirabayashi at a press conference about the Asian American Civil Rights Movement
    History of the Asian American Civil Rights Movement
  • Slave Shackles
    The Transatlantic Slave Trade: 5 Facts About Enslavement in the Americas
  • Illustration representing institutional racism definition
    5 Examples of Institutional Racism in the U.S.
  • Thanksgiving Turkey
    Should We Celebrate Thanksgiving and the Pilgrims?
  • A group walks to the UFW Convention
    History of the Chicano Movement
  • The Freedom Riders sit beside their burned bus.
    How the Freedom Riders Movement Began
  • Aunt Jemima breakfast
    Do Your Food Products Have Racist Roots?
  • Firefighter
    The Ricci vs. DeStefano Case
  • Indians Voluntarily Surrender after Alcatraz occupation
    The History of the American Indian Movement (AIM)
  • Columbus day parade
    The Controversy Over Columbus Day Celebrations
  • Entrance to Apartheid Museum
    A Brief History of South African Apartheid
  • National Guardsmen During The Chicago Race Riots
    Shocking Moments in 20th Century Black History
  • An operating room showing a surgical bed and medical equipment
    The U.S. Government's Role in Sterilizing Women of Color
  • Juneteenth Memorial Monument at the George Washington Carver Museum in Austin, Texas
    A List of Holidays of Interest to Black Americans
  • St. Patrick's Day parade on Fifth Avenue in NYC
    How Irish Immigrants Overcame Discrimination in America
  • Kinara candles for Kwanzaa celebration
    What You Should Know About Kwanzaa and Why It's Celebrated
  • Japanese American internment cases in the Supreme Court.
    Top 3 Supreme Court Cases Involving Japanese Internment
  • Jimmy Carter Greeting African American Supporters
    President Jimmy Carter's Record on Civil Rights and Race Relations
  • Actress Susan Kohner in "Imitation of Life."
    How Is the 'Tragic Mulatto' Literary Trope Defined?
  • Emancipation Day Celebration, 1900
    The History of Juneteenth Celebrations
  • Students reading book in class
    The Regents of the University of California v. Bakke
  • Timeline History of the NAACP 1905-2008
  • olympic torch burning
    Racial Controversies and the Olympic Games
  • Toussaint Louverture
    5 Famous Revolts by Enslaved People
  • Close up of Kamala Harris in three-quarter profile.
    Biography of Vice President Kamala Harris
  • Ross Barnett looking off to the side
    Biography of Ross Barnett, Segregationist Governor of Mississippi
  • Dido Elizabeth Belle
    Biography of Dido Elizabeth Belle, English Aristocrat
  • Portrait Of Betty Shabazz
    Betty Shabazz Profile
  • Zack de la Rocha
    Zack de la Rocha Biography
  • American political activist and radical civil rights leader Malcolm X (1925 - 1965) speaks at a podium during a Nation of Islam rally in Washington DC, circa 1963.
    Excerpts From Five Malcolm X Speeches
  • Maya Angelou
    Facts About Maya Angelou
  • CesarChavezpicture.jpg
    Multicultural List of Civil Rights and Social Justice Activists
  • José Hernández (center) before a Space Shuttle launch
    Biography of José Hernández, Former NASA Astronaut
  • Matt Damon and wife Luciana Barroso.
    Interracial Celebrity Couples Today and in History
  • Michael B. Jordan at the Academy Awards
    Black Actors on Race and the Oscars
  • August Wilson
    A Biography of August Wilson: The Playwright Behind 'Fences'
  • Richard Aoki
    Biography of Richard Aoki, Asian-American Black Panther
  • Viola Desmond
    How Viola Desmond Challenged Segregation in Canada
  • Members of the Navajo Code Talkers Association (L-R) Bill Toledo, George James Jr. and Peter MacDonald Sr.
    The Native American Heroes Who've Made History
  • Shirley Chisholm
    Black Women Who Have Run for President of the United States
  • Grace Lee Boggs
    12 Interesting Facts About Activist Grace Lee Boggs
  • Racial segregation has shaped the city of Chicago
    Blockbusting: When Black Homeowners Move to White Neighborhoods
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