write off
verb as in devalue; forget about
noun as in accounting reduction
Example Sentences
The hard work of hundreds of people, a mere tax write-off under the mighty pen of Warner Bros.
E.On has also agreed to write-off debt held by almost 150,000 prepayment customers who cancelled their accounts over the same period.
“We needs a tax code that honors the trades,” she said, allowing write-offs for the kinds of equipment used by loggers, plumbers and electricians.
The family's car, which Aneeqa said is now a "write-off", was then targeted, with people jumping on the windscreen and roof.
She told the Today programme that they had tried to break into her house and destroyed the family car, which "had to be a write-off".
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.