


Definition for wish

noun as in desire

verb as in desire

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Example Sentences

This is what having the test done for the first time was like for six people, and what they wish they'd known beforehand.

From BBC

Then, while you're on the trip, you spend a lot of time wishing you had this other thing you weren't able to bring.

From Salon

Seeing an evil man get exactly what he deserves may provide some fleeting wish fulfillment, but that inevitable scene where Iris takes back her power doesn’t make “Companion” an inherently feminist text.

From Salon

"We used to sell around a million pairs of boots a year," says the 45-year-old sales manager, Mr Peng, who did not wish to reveal his first name.

From BBC

“It’s not your business, but I know how Hollywood works. I know how all this media stuff works. It’s gossip, gossip, gossip and that’s just what it is, ‘Be careful what you wish for.


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When To Use

What are other ways to say wish?

To wish is to feel an impulse toward attainment or possession of something; the strength of the feeling may be of greater or lesser intensity: I wish I could go home. Desire, a more formal verb, suggests a strong wish: They desire liberation. Want, usually colloquial in use, suggests a feeling of lack or need that imperatively demands fulfillment: People all over the world want peace.

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


