noun as in capacity, measure of capacity
noun as in loudness of a sound
Example Sentences
Considering the dismal nature of the tour so far for England, the fact this was arguably their worst day speaks volumes.
The hospitality sector was "struggling" and the oysterman said his customers were not selling the same volumes of oysters in the past year.
Per the FAA report obtained by the New York Times, staffing at the D.C. aviation hub was “not normal for the time of day and volume of traffic.”
Her rendition of Morrissey’s “Dear God, Please Help Me” hits its climax when Faithfull bellows at full volume, “There are explosive kegs / Between my legs / Dear God, please help me.”
Yet it can be hard to tell the signal from the noise, given the sheer volume of technology news out there and the complexity of the topic.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.