turn a blind eye
verb as in blink
verb as in disregard
Strong matches
Example Sentences
This time, it seems far more likely to turn a blind eye.
The Tories accused Labour MPs of having "turned a blind eye to justice" for victims of grooming gangs.
However Israel accuses Unifil of having turned a blind eye to the growth of Hezbollah, which now outpowers the official Lebanese army.
Streeting will tell the NHS Providers conference there will be "no more turning a blind eye" to failure - something he has promised before, along with the idea of league tables.
The evidence is overwhelming, yet, the COI chooses once again to turn a blind eye to Hamas’ strategy of abusing civilian infrastructure and using the Palestinian population as human shields.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.