

View definitions for tow


verb as in pull along

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Because if you talk about things the same way, then you’re probably going to be towing in some of those values unknowingly.

“We are making sure that the Palisades will be safe as residents access their properties with their insurance adjusters, contractors, tow trucks, moving trucks and more,” Bass said in a statement.

The department is also warning consumers to carefully scrutinize companies offering towing or car repair services.

The platform is currently in a fabrication yard at Verdal near Trondheim, Norway and is due to be lifted onto a barge and towed into place in the next few months.

From BBC

Although Bee was rescued from Stroma in 1968 and towed to the mainland for initial restoration, its story didn't end on the north coast.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


