to a tee
adverb as in positively
Strongest matches
Weak matches
adverb as in precisely
Example Sentences
"That would be a fantastic legacy to have and that would sum up Maddy to a tee."
“I explain everything pregame to a tee, OK? I did that.”
His decision to start without a recognised striker would have prompted 4-6-0 jokes, but the game plan worked to a tee in the opening period.
"To me, it's crazy to think that you wouldn't have intimacy co-ordinators in the same way that you'd have stunt co-ordinators. You wouldn't expect someone to do a fight without a stunt co-ordinator. We choreographed everything to a tee."
“It’s plain and simple. That’s the Astros to a tee. They capitalize when we make mistakes. Our offense does the same thing.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.