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noun as in economy

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I didn’t even know what thrift stores were, I just thought it was a place where rich people sell their clothes because I would go in and I would buy blazers and Armani Exchange stuff.

With a resourceful eye, Kenny has furnished her apartment with Facebook Marketplace finds, thrift store treasures and free hand-me-downs from friends.

Some ideas include buying some cheap dishes at a thrift store and breaking them in the driveway, ripping up an old T-shirt or hitting some rocks with a hammer.

From Salon

In many ways, entering a thrift store, shopping secondhand online or even borrowing clothing from a friend is like engaging with one massive lost-and-found bin.

Amy: I want to believe that this child’s jacket that I found at a thrift store is lucky.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


