adjective as in sulky
adjective as in sullen
Weak matches
- bad-tempered
- cheerless
- crabbed
- crabby
- cross
- cynical
- dismal
- dull
- fretful
- frowning
- glowering
- gruff
- heavy
- ill-humored
- inert
- irritable
- malevolent
- malicious
- malign
- mean
- moody
- obstinate
- ornery
- out of sorts
- peevish
- perverse
- pessimistic
- pouting
- pouty
- querulous
- saturnine
- silent
- sour
- sourpussed
- stubborn
- sulky
- tenebrific
- tenebrous
- unsociable
- uptight
Example Sentences
"I was still sulking in the toilet. I came out when we needed about 15 runs. It was a tough one."
Maher also asked liberals to consider the fact that Trump is getting through the holidays just fine and that he "couldn't ask for a better gift" than knowing his opponents were sulking.
You are granted five minutes sulking time before raising your shoulders and saying, “It’s just sports,” so people know you are not a loser who cannot manage their emotions.
The closing argument appeared shortly after that, Will Smith blasting another weak pitch over the center field fence, one dugout dancing, the other one sulking — game over.
"I'm not here sulking and feeling sorry for us but if you take every game, every season as a learning experience, this is a step we need to get into our game," Kompany said.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.