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Raphael Brion wrote on your Food & Wine Best New Chef profile that your food is "restrained and subtle, precise and sophisticated . . . brave in its minimalism."

From Salon

The pupil was stabbed before the teenage girl was restrained by teacher Darrel Campbell, and she was later arrested.

From BBC

A snapchat video showing the teenager being restrained after the triple stabbing was shown to the jury too, in which teachers could be heard shouting at pupils to get to their classes.

From BBC

Musically, most sound quite restrained and atmospheric - they're emotive soundtrack songs rather than upbeat bangers or full-blooded anthems.

From BBC

Junjie says he was restrained and beaten by hospital staff before being forced to take medication.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


