adverb as in advisedly
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adverb as in carefully
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adverb as in intelligently
adverb as in reasonably
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Example Sentences
Edison disputed investigators’ claims that its actions negligently caused the fire, saying in a press release last year that it had “prudently operated its system, managing it at or above what is required by regulators.”
The company said it had “prudently operated its system, managing it at or above what is required by regulators.”
If a utility was found to have failed to act prudently, Wara said, it would have to reimburse the fund.
The high-deductible/health savings account model was enacted into law, but plainly has failed to create an army of prudently cost-sensitive patients.
“Besides the intensifying U.S.-China rivalry and policy divergence across major jurisdictions, subdued revenue growth and rising costs also underline the need for companies to manage expenses prudently.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.