pour out
verb as in effuse
verb as in empty
verb as in lighten
Strong matches
verb as in pullulate
verb as in spurt
verb as in teem
Example Sentences
Just a thin dribble of water poured out.
Grief and rage – which couldn't be expressed openly until just a week ago – were pouring out.
Pitt, who gets to pour out everything Mike is feeling, acquits this imbalance well enough, but in any drama worth its coulda-been-a-contender salt, he shouldn’t have to.
That’s when you hear the offending “non-offensive” conversation starters pour out of your mouth like it’s a faulty vending machine dispensing candy corn, and everyone hates that stuff.
People poured out of their houses and headed toward Whittier Boulevard, the Eastside’s historical corridor.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.