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"They will be much less polluting, much more sustainable than their current equivalents, as well as generate great jobs, good environment and prosperity," she continues.

From BBC

"I really wanted a car that didn't pollute. It gave me a better conscience driving."

From BBC

In fact, though, human space exploration and industrialization has polluted the area around our planet, with the resulting debris known as space junk.

From Salon

Miners hauled in hydraulic equipment to dig and dredge and strip the mountains, polluting the runoff so badly that in 1874, the flatlanders who depended on that water went to court to stop the despoiling.

They also have argued that mifepristone and fetal “remains” are an environmental hazard polluting groundwater.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


