

View definitions for pass by

pass by

verb as in neglect, forget

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However, he told the court it took him about 15 minutes to find a suitable parking space and park, so 19 minutes had passed by the time he bought his ticket.

From BBC

The full implications of legislation passed by the Israeli parliament are not yet clear.

From BBC

Harvilicz and his 6-year-old son Leo were among a handful of residents who turned out to see the president pass by.

A code of practice for getting a dog is to be drawn up in Scotland under a new law passed by MSPs.

From BBC

Sherman said he believes the president’s visit on Friday “will be important” and that if Trump advocates for federal disaster funding, it will be passed by Congress.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


