Example Sentences
Artificial pitches in Bern and Thun will be overlaid with natural grass in June for the duration of the tournament in order to ensure conditions are the same across all venues.
To demonstrate, Close’s meticulously detailed head of mustachioed “Robert,” 9 feet tall, is installed next to its maquette, an enlarged and subdivided black-and-white photograph overlaid with a tight grid.
Instead of clawing into the existing historic concrete, the plan calls for putting a material on top of that concrete, a protective overlay, and building new seating on top of that.
Few people realise how important they are, but these overlays and veneers can supercharge high-performance machines, or ensure that expensive equipment survives the harshest of environments.
TikTok users often take part in trends by using the audio of popular videos and overlaying it with their own clips.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.