adjective as in typical, ideal
Strong matches
classic, classical, copy, dummy, facsimile, imitation, perfect, representative, standard
Weak matches
archetypal, commendable, flawless, illustrative, paradigmatic, prototypical, quintessential, typical, very
noun as in imitation, replica
noun as in example, standard
Strong matches
apotheosis, archetype, criterion, emblem, embodiment, epitome, exemplar, gauge, hero, lodestar, mirror, mold, nonesuch, nonpareil, paradigm, paragon, quintessence, saint, touchstone
Weak matches
noun as in type, version
verb as in form, shape
Example Sentences
From the house on Christmas Tree Lane where, two years ago, model train builders graciously entertained my kids?
The deal marks a delicate balancing act for Netflix, because the company’s business model is centered on growing its streaming subscriptions.
Wheeler was a legendary scientist that studied under Niels Bohr, who created the most widely recognized model for the atom called the Bohr model.
Nandy did not rule out a subscription model for the BBC, but said there were "a whole range" of other possible options.
Also, a machine-learning model of the script was created to restore the illegible and damaged texts, paving the way for further research.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.