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noun as in major city

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“L.A. is suburban density built out to the sea. It isn’t viable for a 21st century metropolis.”

Since then, bone-dry conditions have set the stage for the catastrophic wildfires now descending upon the metropolis from multiple directions.

From Salon

As an Irish reporter who happened to be on her flight hurled questions at her, the mayor of the nation’s second-largest metropolis stood silent and seemingly paralyzed.

I was completely enamored with the idea of this tiny bird set against Los Angeles, this giant metropolis.

From Salon

He would also make regular visits to Ibadan, a metropolis in the south-west of Nigeria - a literary hub and home to the country's first university.

From BBC


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


