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Small batch EVOOs made from olives that come from a single location picked at the same time tend to be more robust than mass-produced bottles, which typically blend oils of varying quality.

From Salon

Or should the city bring in home builders who could mass-produce homes, which would be cheaper and faster?

The safety of mass-produced food has improved dramatically in recent decades, but listeria, a common type of bacterium, presents unique hurdles.

They are the bête noire of many nutritionists - mass-produced yet moreish foods like chicken nuggets, packaged snacks, fizzy drinks, ice cream or even sliced brown bread.

From BBC

It doesn’t feel like a singular hand-crafted object, but rather like mass-produced Hot Topic merch for a new generation.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


