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The LP’s tales of lascivious sex and brash violence were bolstered by exquisite G-funk musicianship: “No rapper has ever occupied a beat the way Snoop does, sliding around corners, lounging on the syncopations.”

Conklin was arrested Wednesday morning on three felony charges: lewd or lascivious acts on a child younger than 14, continual sexual abuse of multiple victims and discouraging a witness or victim from reporting to police.

Forty years after his death, Truman Capote continues to draw audiences in for another lascivious story and another dramatic portrayal in ‘Feud: Capote vs. the Swans.’

They also accused Pisciotta of "lascivious, unhinged conduct", claiming that she "consistently used sexual coercion" to demand money and material items, including designer handbags and a Lamborghini car.

From BBC

In Kentucky, Higdon told me, a man could divorce his wife for “lascivious behavior.”


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


