adjective as in satirical
adjective as in satirical/satiric
noun as in mordacity
Strong matches
noun as in mordancy
Weak matches
- acerbity
- acidity
- acridity
- acrimony
- aspersion
- banter
- bitterness
- burlesque
- causticity
- causticness
- censure
- comeback
- contempt
- corrosiveness
- criticism
- cut
- cynicism
- derision
- dig
- disparagement
- flouting
- invective
- irony
- mockery
- mordacity
- put down
- raillery
- rancor
- ridicule
- satire
- scoffing
- scorn
- sharpness
- sneering
- superciliousness
- trenchancy
- wisecrack
noun as in sarcasm
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in trenchancy
Strong matches
Example Sentences
They tore into Matt Gaetz and RFK Jr. immediately in the cold open, lampooning Trump's cast of oddballs using some of their own.
These punishing, skeptical, prodding, guilt-inducing thoughts, personified with lampooning gusto, serve as the chattering chorus for his divided identity.
Tucker Carlson devoted an entire segment of his show to lampooning it.
With 2024 underway and the presidential race in full swing, it was time for “Saturday Night Live” to get back to doing what it loves best: lampooning former President Donald J. Trump.
Getting horizontal in a relentlessly vertical city was a simple gesture that punctured most of the collective delusions that made that city run, at once lampooning and rejecting the pose of an upright citizen.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.