


Definition for invaluable

adjective as in priceless

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“Michael Gennaco’s extensive experience and expertise in civil rights cases will be invaluable as we continue to reevaluate prior decisions and take a fresh look at cases involving officer-involved shootings.”

Compartmentalizing the dread and disarray offers an invaluable lesson that Close says teaches “how to be the best version of ourselves in the face of extreme adversity.”

Since then, she has featured regularly in all three formats and while she may not be top of any wicket-taking charts, it is that pace which provides Knight with an invaluable weapon.

From BBC

With two novice leads, Boonnitipat says extensive prep time was invaluable.

Back in my halcyon cooking days pre-culinary school, "Smitten Kitchen" was an invaluable resource, so thank you for that.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


